[Durham INC] Fw: Want to help Duke University prioritize climate and sustainability efforts?

Jeannine Sato j.sato at duke.edu
Wed Jan 13 12:47:35 EST 2021

 Dear community partners,

Please help inform the next steps Duke University takes in tackling the climate crisis and enhancing sustainability efforts on campus, in the classroom, and in the community. The University’s Board of Trustee Strategic Task Force on Climate and Sustainability wants your feedback.

This group of trustees, faculty, students, and administrators is working to maximize Duke’s potential Total Societal Impact (TSI) through a focus on how an educational institution can help create a sustainable future for our students, our employees, and the communities we live in. This brief Priority Topics Survey will be used to gather feedback from internal and external stakeholders regarding where Duke should be prioritizing these efforts.

Please note, the survey format is best suited for a laptop or IPad rather than a phone and it should take no longer than ten minutes to complete.

If you are a Duke neighbor, community member, NGO, educational institution, etc., please complete the External Priority Topics Survey<https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Iw21Y64V2Updt3>.

Thank you very much for your time and input in this process. The survey will close Jan. 22, 2021.

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