[Durham INC] Survey: 3 questions to improve vaccine uptake in Durham

Angel Romero Ruiz angel.romero at duke.edu
Tue Jan 26 08:13:02 EST 2021

Duke Health wants to engage the diverse Durham community in developing a communication campaign to help improve the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine.  Please answer the following 3 questions: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_25HQxwOaP4KY330 and share with networks.

Ángel Romero Ruiz, MMC, CNM
Program Coordinator, Community Partnerships
Duke Population Health Management Office
Phone: 919.613.6652
Cell: 919.812.4357
Fax: 919.660.0654
Email: angel.romero at duke.edu
Web: phmo.dukehealth.org
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