[Durham INC] Please repost cemetery tour announcement

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Wed Apr 14 18:51:09 EDT 2021



Please help me by posting this Preservation Durham Cemetery Tour
announcement on your neighborhood and organization lists if you can.  Please
send it to anyone you think might enjoy the tour.  If any of you would like
to join a tour, please let me know directly.  I would like for you to attend
as my guests.


Thank you.


Tom Miller



Historic Maplewood Cemetery Tour


Dive deep into Durham's history with a real, live, guided tour of Durham's
famous Old Maplewood Cemetery. Preservation Durham tour guides will take
small groups around the cemetery pausing here and there to tell stories of
triumph and tragedy, joy and sorrow, wealth and poverty, lives long and
short. Learn about funerary traditions and grave art and architecture. All
this in what is perhaps Durham's loveliest urban open space.


Tours will be held at 9am and 11am on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the
spring starting this Saturday and Sunday, April 17 and 18.  Each tour is
around an hour and a half.  Check Preservation Durham's
<https://www.eventbrite.com/o/preservation-durham-9894851483> event calendar
for available dates. Pre-registration is required. Tour group numbers are
limited to be covid-safe and masks are required. 


Tour fee is $15.06 (including taxes + fees)

Preservation Durham Members: Free!  Consider joining!  


 <https://maplewoodcemeterywalks.eventbrite.com> Pre-register here



Pick a date and time that's right for you! If neither of these days will
work, do not worry, we will be adding more dates and times. Please watch
<http://www.preservationdurham.org/> www.preservationdurham.org for updates.



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