[Durham INC] Comp Plan Discussion: Hearing tonight

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 27 06:00:00 EDT 2021

If you want to watch or comment:
This meeting will be held online using the Zoom virtual meeting platform. Register to speak at the hearing at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FzAPqipuQYO-7L5oRC5GmQ  (Webinar ID: 975 2870 7691), at least 30 minutes before the meeting on the meeting date or by calling 1-301-715-8592 at least 15 minutes before the meeting start time; instructions to participate in the virtual meeting or to watch it live are available at: https://durhamnc.gov/3012/Public-Hearings-and-Notices.

The new version is at https://engagedurham.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Revised-Community-Goals-and-Objectives.pdf.  I haven't had a chance to do more than see that the document is in a new format, that they moved some sections around and that a lot of my concerns about the environmental section weren't addressed.  The table of contents at the left is useful in finding sections you might care about to comment on.

There's the great line that one person telling government something is a crank, 2 people saying the same thing is a conspiracy, and about 5 makes a movement.  Since I would really rather not be a crank, I hope others will sign up to speak, saying we need to move beyond generalities about transparency and engagement to a commitment to the resources for real community empowerment, as discussed in the INC comment to the original draft (along with any comments you might want to make about other issues that are important to you).

thanks, pat

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