[Durham INC] Survey for how Durham will spend its $110 Million in ARP funds - please complete by July 30

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 25 16:05:34 EDT 2021

Durham friends, PLEASE complete the survey to provide your input for how Durham will spend it's $110 MILLION in ARP funds by July 30!! Here's the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGn5iR-ADJ8EEhCc4yDtdWq32uiwQP03d3qvXbJrNd8YLogg/viewform <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGn5iR-ADJ8EEhCc4yDtdWq32uiwQP03d3qvXbJrNd8YLogg/viewform>.

As for me, I have provided a LOT of commentary regarding why Durham should substantially increase funding for the BETC program, which trains and employs DPS students *and* teachers (with FAIR wages) to install and maintain best stormwater management practices on school campuses, nonprofit and private properties, thereby alleviating the increasing flooding and erosion that is occurring throughout Durham as a result of development and increased rainfall. This is incredibly important to ensure safe affordable housing that is not damaged by repeated flooding and school campuses that can actually support the outdoor learning centers that DPS has said it plans to implement (you cannot have class in a pond). It would also provide employment and practical and meaningful work training for DPS occupational-course-of-study students who are not on a college-bound path. I hope you will echo my suggestions. If you do, feel free to reference my articles on the matter: 

http://www.melissarooneywriting.com/blog/2021/07/dps-outdoor-learning-focus-of-covid-funds-should-incorporate-curricula-and-sustainability/ <http://www.melissarooneywriting.com/blog/2021/07/dps-outdoor-learning-focus-of-covid-funds-should-incorporate-curricula-and-sustainability/>

http://www.melissarooneywriting.com/blog/2021/06/city-budget-for-green-programs-jobs-more-than-just-lacking/ <http://www.melissarooneywriting.com/blog/2021/06/city-budget-for-green-programs-jobs-more-than-just-lacking/>


http://www.melissarooneywriting.com/blog/2018/01/water-problem-solved-on-historically-low-income-canal-street-in-durham-nc-for-now/ <http://www.melissarooneywriting.com/blog/2018/01/water-problem-solved-on-historically-low-income-canal-street-in-durham-nc-for-now/>

Thanks for caring and sharing,
Melissa (Rooney)
Iredell Street Neighbor

www.MelissaRooneyWriting.com <http://www.melissarooneywriting.com/>
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