[Durham INC] neighborhood map

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 5 07:43:46 EDT 2021

Someone asked a while ago about any mapping of neighborhood boundaries.  I found this on the way to other stuff:  https://durhamnc.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1389/Organization-Directory-Map-PDF
Organization Directory Map PDF | Durham, NC<https://durhamnc.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1389/Organization-Directory-Map-PDF>
12 11 22 54 59 7 18 14 41 9 47 43 17 24 15 2 16 45 8 50 42 30 60 5 28 13 3 37 34 36 40 61 31 56 55 21 38 10 51 48 23 52 6 35 29 26 25 27 57 1 49 39 62 20 53 58 23 46 4 44 19 32 33 organization map county-wide organizations

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