[Durham INC] Fwd: Thrive Rural Field Perspectives, Capacity Building and More

bonita green nitab48 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 06:23:20 EST 2021

Updates and resources from the Community Strategies Group

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*Announcing the Thrive Rural Field Perspectives Series*
Field Perspectives: In this new series of Thrive Rural Field Perspectives
briefs, CSG asks thinkers and doers with rural experience and expertise to
propel and deepen understanding about rural issues and realities, shine a
light on rural innovation and investment opportunities, connect and
align fields of practice and interest, and call for constructive changes in
the design and implementation of key public and private systems –
all toward achieving this outcome:* Communities and Native nations across
the rural United States are healthy places where each and every person
belongs, lives with dignity and thrives. *We are thrilled to announce the
first two Field Perspectives – and stay tuned for more!

   - *Rural Development and Rural Health Practices: Trends and
   Opportunities for Alignment*
   . *By Brian Dabson and Victoria Faust*. This describes the main trends
   and catalysts for change that emerged from scans of the primary approaches
   and practices currently being used in rural economic and community
   development and in rural public health and health care. It also highlights
   how accelerating connections between health and development can propel
   rural prosperity.
   - *Native Nation Building: It Helps Rural America Thrive.*
   Miriam Jorgensen and Stephanie Gutierrez*. This discussion shows that
   when tribes center sovereignty, Indigenous institutions and culture in
   their development processes they increase the probability of reaching their
   development goals and can build community wealth that is more in line with
   tribal values and lifeways. The authors also highlight how Native nations
   and rural communities, working both side-by-side and together, can
   strengthen the potential for thriving rural regions.* Want to learn
   more? *Engage with Field Perspective co-author Miriam Jorgensen at the
   next *ROAD Session*
   on November 30.

*ROAD Session: This Is What Capacity Looks Like*
Virtual Exchange: It is often said that rural and tribal communities and
organizations need more capacity to fully engage or solve problems in their
regions. But what, exactly, equals “capacity”? What key components of
capacity need to be carefully and intentionally strengthened so that
locally led organizations in rural and Native nation communities can more
effectively strengthen economies, health and livelihoods for all in their
regions? What does it take for rural and tribal organizations to build
capacity, and what barriers stand in the way?

On November 30, join us for
*This Is What Capacity Looks Like: Building Development Muscle in Rural and
Native Nation Communities*
the last
Rural Opportunity and Development Session of 2021. Hear answers to these
questions from national technical assistance providers, Indigenous leaders,
and local rural development innovators. Gain insight that can help
understand and explain capacity in plain(er) terms – and contribute your
perspective to the mix. *Learn about the speakers and register here*

*Federal Opportunities for Rural*

RPP Update: Within the budget reconciliation package – which is in active
negotiation right now – a *proposed **Rural Partnership Program* *(RPP)*
would make $1 billion in flexible funding available across the country to
regional and local collaboratives, which can include a wide range of
non-profits, government entities, philanthropic organizations, colleges and
others. RPP represents a new approach for how federal resources can support
rural America.

Want to know more? Aspen CSG has created a new webpage with relevant
resources for the *Potential Federal Rural Partnership Program*
and will be updating it regularly with the current status of the program.
Book Launch: *Investing in Rural Prosperity*
a new book from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the Federal
Reserve Board will be released in full on November 16. Offering the
perspectives of some of the best minds in the rural development field,
a pre-release chapter by Aspen CSG's Janet Topolsky*
the book seeks to help people living in rural areas navigate the challenges
and opportunities they face to reach a future in which economic prosperity
is a reality. *Join the launch webinar at 3:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday November
Education: The *Rural Postsecondary and Economic Development Grant Program*
the US Department of Education is funded at almost $10 million, and will
support institutions of higher education working to boost postsecondary
enrollment and access to high-quality career pathways for rural students.
Deadline: December 6, 2021.

Health: The *Rural Communities Opioid Response Program*
provides funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration to
strengthen and expand the prevention, treatment, and recovery services for
substance use disorder and opioid use disorder. Deadline: January 13, 2022.

Development: *USDA is seeking applications*
to support rural communities in regional economic and community development
planning through the Strategic Economic and Community Development
initiative. This program includes several different types of grants in
FY2022, including funding for community facilities, water, and wastewater
More Resources: Aspen CSG continues to track new and expanded federal
resources. We've reorganized our resource page to include a quick jump for
tools useful for rural people and places. The information on how federal
policy-making will affect rural America is evolving quickly, so we
recommend checking back regularly for more information. *Visit Our Federal
Resources for Rural Website*
*Rural Happenings and Updates*
Housing Briefing: Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, landlords
across the country have forced thousands of tenants from their homes
through formal and informal evictions. Tenants in rural and Southern
communities have faced some of the worst conditions. In response, the Homes
Guarantee Campaign at People’s Action Institute worked in partnership with
emerging tenant collectives in places like Shelbyville, Tennessee and
Bowling Green, Kentucky. Come learn what they found out at the *Rural*
*Tenants** Are **Fighting** Back: Funder Briefing *on Tuesday, November
16th. *Register Here*

HAC National Conference: The biennial National Rural Housing Conference,
held from November 30 to December 3, 2021, brings together stakeholders in
the field of rural affordable housing from local nonprofits, federal
agencies, Congress, state and local governments, and other industry leaders
for two-and-a-half days of training, discussion, and networking. *Learn
more and register here*

Over 36 years, Aspen CSG has been advancing community and regional
development and resilience, family well-being, opportunity and equity, and
community and economic development philanthropy – with the majority of our
work focused on rural people and places. Join us!
Donate to support our work.
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be a kind human
Bonita Green
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