[Durham INC] Most requested in 2021

bonita green nitab48 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 17 03:32:37 EST 2021

[image: Advances Newsletter]
[image: Header for Advances Newsletter]

1. Calculate life expectancy in your area
[image: Life Expectancy]

*Could where you live influence how long you live? The answer is YES. *

Data can be a powerful tool to promote health equity—especially for
understanding and improving life expectancy.

Do you know the life expectancy in your area?

Enter your address or zip code >

2. Racism and health
[image: 22% of African Americans have avoided medical care due to concern
of racial discrimination]

*Racism is a public health crisis. *

We can see the health effects of racism on health through data. People of
color experience dramatic differences in health outcomes—from unequal
medical care to discrimination in housing, employment, education, the
justice system and beyond.

In connection with past and current RWJF programs aimed at reducing health
inequities and advancing health equity, we put together a collection of
research findings and perspectives on how racism affects health.

Explore resources on the connection between race, racism, and health >

3. What is health equity?
[image: Equity Bicycle Graphic_Green]

*One size does NOT fit all, especially in health.*

While the term health equity is used widely, a common understanding of what
it means is lacking. Why does a sound definition of health equity matter?

   - It shapes how we measure progress. ✅
   - Definitions matter. ✅
   - It helps engage diverse audiences. ✅

Learn how the definition of health equity can help guide effective action >

4. And the Culture of Health Prize winners are...
[image: 2020-2021 Culture of Health Prize Celebration Drawing]

*10 communities. 10 stories. One common goal.*

In October, we announced the 2020-2021 Culture of Health Prize winners
Ten communities received a $25,000 prize to celebrate their innovative
efforts to create thriving, equitable places to live, learn, work, and

See the list of winners  >

5. COVID-19 research, resources, perspectives
[image: Two hands hold opposite ends of a mask.]

*We stand strong in our commitment to a fair and just opportunity for
health and well-being.*

Our comprehensive collection of COVID-19 research and perspectives focuses
on four points essential to everyone's ability to achieve and maintain good

   1. Access to care
   2. Family supports
   3. Food security
   4. Housing

Learn more >

*We want to hear from you! **Take a 5-minute survey >*
Latest Funding Opportunities

Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health
Deadline: Open

Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity
Deadline: Open

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©2021 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation   50 College Road East
  Princeton, NJ 08540

be a kind human
Bonita Green
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