[Durham INC] Draft May minutes

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Thu May 26 07:10:34 EDT 2022

Please let me know about any corrections or additions, thanks, pat

May Delegate Meeting of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham

Via Zoom

May 24, 2022

Attending the meeting were:


Burch Avenue – Richard Ziglar

Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen

Forest Hills – Sarah Morris

Leesville Road Coalition – Steven Knill

Long Meadow – Pakis Bessias

Merrick-Moore – Bonita Green

Morehead Hill – Rochelle Araujo

Old North Durham – Helena Cragg

Old West Durham – David Eklund

Trinity Park – Mimi Kessler

Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell


Will Wilson – Past President of INC

Deb Hawkins – INC Communications Committee

President Bonita Green called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone; those present introduced themselves.  We didn’t vote at this meeting on the bylaws since both Phil and Tom were absent; Forest Hills and Old West Durham have approved the updated bylaws.  Sarah moved and David seconded to approve the April minutes; this passed.

The developer-initiated changes to the UDO have some good things, but contain many requests that we might object to: lack of parking requirements, fewer protections for trees, more “flexibility” such as small lots and flag lots, increased height and “relaxed” definition of height, and “setback relief.”  Some elected officials have expressed concern about the correct process.  It isn’t clear who is really behind the proposal.  We want to have people “at the table,” we don’t want to rely on our opinions being appropriately “filtered” through Planning, and Equitable Engagement needs to be applied.  Mimi, Susan and Bonita will work on a letter to mayor and council.  The proposed changes are at: https://www.durhamnc.gov/DocumentCenter/View/44529/TC2200001-Staff-Report-for-JCCPC?fbclid=IwAR27mu5Wza5h2_K2YrmFET-Dp6O8c4trxegLPs_jkFUOP-mQm90IfD-FyLM

There will be a briefing from Planning on the Comprehensive Plan to the Joint City-County Planning Commission; the public is invited but it is not open to public comments.  They are now putting policies behind the goals.  It is important for as many voices in the community as possible add their comments (by June 30).  The document is long so take it in chunks.  See https://durham.mysocialpinpoint.com/comprehensiveplan and https://durham.mysocialpinpoint.com/comprehensiveplan/policies

Parks and Recreation has had a lot of meetings on what will happen at Wheels, but they have not been talking about the roller rink (it’s not clear how to ask for it formally).  They are looking at an olympic-sized pool as both a revenue source and something that would get national recognition.

Council needs to allocate remaining ARPA funds (American Rescue Plan Act, from the federal government).  The Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People has proposed 4 options for the spending based on the proposals the city and county have received.  Duke University has also submitted a proposal with some green infrastructure and other items.  Meetings are on-going on the issue.  There is also concern about whether the funding will be payments or reimbursements.  There are a lot of good projects in the list; it is at  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V1ppkWYVqRXwpd2JQpM91cxWccqFMyJm/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105466146786812982656&rtpof=true&sd=true

Neighborhood Reports and Announcements

  *   Burch Avenue – Duke University has not gotten back to them about their proposed rezoning.   The neighborhood has gotten more concerned about development.  There is also a concern about AirBNB’s.

  *   The Leesville Road Coalition is meeting with Senator Mike Woodard and Representative Zack Hawkins about NCDOT funds and road priorities in comparison to approved new developments, given the area’s concerns about what “maximum capacity” means on roads.

  *   Northgate Park – It’s back to food-truck rodeo time (https://northgateparknc.org/)!  Come to the Beaver Queen Festival (https://www.facebook.com/BeaverLodgeLocal1504/).

  *   TLNA has started talking about National Night Out.

  *   Merrick-Moore announced that the dedication of Merrick-Moore Park is June 18.


There is a resolution about bylaws from last month


1.  That the Amended and Restated Bylaws be passed as presented on March 22, 2022;

2.  That conforming changes be made to the Articles of Association of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham and that those Amended and Restated Articles be presented to the board for adoption;

3. That Tom Miller be named as the registered agent of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham as expeditiously are reasonably possible;

4. That in as much as members must reapply for membership to the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham under the revised and restated bylaws, members shall do so within 60 days  of passage and that all neighborhoods participating in the vote on the amended and restated bylaws be eligible to vote on readmission of neighborhoods; and

5.  That the membership fee schedule under the amended and restated bylaws shall remain the same for 2022, that any member who has paid dues in 2022 shall not be required to pay again in 2022, and that any member who has paid dues in 2022 and who does not become a member under the amended and restated bylaws shall be refunded any 2022 dues payment.

Philip has almost completed an application form.  Many delegates didn’t get the final copy of the bylaws and the analysis of the changes since they were buried as a link in the minutes.  We will put them on the list-serve, or they are in the folder (with a clean version and a lined version)  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UyupE2j3xbbvCef565DHG_DOjDWW9bGO?usp=sharing.

Dues received (as of 4/7) from: Leesville Rd, Long Meadow, Merrick-Moore, Morehead Hill, Old Farm, Trinity Park, TLNA, Watts-Hillandale. Dues must be paid in order to vote.


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