[Durham INC] Fwd: The importance of Medicaid coverage in a post-Dobbs world

bonita green nitab48 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 21:11:40 EDT 2022


Research, data, infographic, stories and perspectives
[image: Advances Newsletter]
[image: Header for Advances Newsletter]

*More than 80 million people in the United States rely on Medicaid for
health coverage—making it the largest healthcare insurance provider in the

The Supreme Court's recent decision in *Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health
Organization* means that people in states that haven't expanded Medicaid
need access to comprehensive health coverage now more than ever.
[image: Women's heath is under threat]

Many of the states enacting abortion bans already have high maternal
mortality rates. Some have also failed to expand Medicaid, leaving mothers
and families without access to essential care. It's more important than
ever to expand Medicaid to protect women's health.

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These states face the most gaps in covering women of reproductive age:
[image: Post Dobbs Chart]

Threats to coverage and reproductive freedom will deepen the inequities
inherent in the post-*Dobbs *world, where low-income women, predominantly
women of color, will be most likely to suffer the consequences.

New estimates project that nearly 1 million women of reproductive age risk
loss of coverage if Congress does not act to extend the expanded premium
tax credits created by the American Rescue Plan Act.

*Read the analysis >>*

Medicaid research roundup

*Failure to Close Coverage Gap Would Leave Millions Uninsured and Facing
Worse Health Outcomes *
on Budget and Policy Priorities*

A new brief shows that including a provision to close the Medicaid coverage
gap in the reconciliation package Congress is currently considering would
expand access to health insurance, improve health equity, and protect
access to contraceptive and reproductive care. If Congress doesn't include
the provision, more than 2 million people—disproportionately people of
color—will continue to be denied affordable healthcare.

*Medicaid Expansion Increased Pre-conception Counseling and Healthy
Behaviors *

The time just before pregnancy is critically important for the health of a
woman and her baby, making access to health insurance crucial. This study
finds low-income women in states that expanded Medicaid had better health
across multiple indicators, including greater use of health counseling,
increased folic acid intake, and increased use of effective postpartum
birth control.

*Availability of Contraceptive Access Policies Across the United States
from 2006 to 2021 *
Medicine Reports*

For tens of millions of people in America, access to contraception promotes
health, well-being, and autonomy. This resource outlines policies in place
to support contraceptive access, including Medicaid expansion and insurance
coverage, in all 50 states.

*One-Third of Women With Prenatal Medicaid Remained Uninsured Before Or
After Pregnancy *

Health insurance coverage and access to care before, during, and after
pregnancy are important in supporting maternal and infant health. Medicaid
provides health coverage to women during pregnancy, but research shows more
than one-third are not eligible for the program prior to pregnancy or after
60 days postpartum.

*Variation in Severe Maternal Morbidity Linked to Expenditures by
Communities *
Network Open*

The United States has one of the highest maternal mortality rates among
high-income countries, and cities may play a key role in addressing the
crisis, researchers say. An analysis of New Jersey cities finds spending on
both health and non-health services—including education, housing, and
transportation—is linked to rates of severe maternal morbidity, a key risk
factor for maternal mortality.

Infographic: Medicaid Expansion is a Win for All
[image: Infographic: Medicaid Expansion is a Win for All]

*Download the infographic >>*

Closing the Medicaid coverage gap is a health, economic, and moral
[image: Statistic card from Medicaid Report.]

Healthcare is a human right. But more than two million
people—disproportionately people of color—are being denied life-saving
coverage because 12 states have refused to expand their Medicaid programs.

Dr. Avenel Joseph discusses the incredible opportunity Congress now has to
correct this injustice once and for all.

*Learn more >>*

Medicaid is an important lifeline
[image: Medicaid is an important lifeline]

That's Medicaid, a RWJF project, shares the stories of people helped by
Medicaid at critical points in their lives.

*Visit ThatsMedicaid.org to learn more and read the stories >>*
Latest Funding Opportunities

Systems for Action: Systems and Services Research to Build a Culture of
Deadline: Multiple

Policies to Build and Sustain Economic Security and Wealth for Families and
Communities of Color
Deadline: Wed, 7 Sep 2022

Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity
Deadline: Open

Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health
Deadline: Open

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  Princeton, NJ 08540

be a kind human
Bonita Green
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