[Durham INC] Federal Resources Available to You if you are affected by a hurricane

Angel Romero aromero at ibiblio.org
Fri Sep 30 08:42:17 EDT 2022

Benefits.gov <https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/435> offers information on
many programs to help if you have been affected by a hurricane, or any
other type of disaster. The Disaster Relief
<https://www.benefits.gov/categories/Disaster%20Relief> category includes
the following relief programs:

   - Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief Program
   - National Flood Insurance Program <https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/435>
   - Disaster Unemployment Assistance <https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/597>
   - Home and Disaster Property Loans

DisasterAssistance.gov <https://www.disasterassistance.gov/> provides even
more information on hurricane preparation and recovery.
DisasterAssistance.gov has up-to-date resources for recent disasters. You
can apply for aid directly on the website, as well as check the status of
your application. As well, to check if you’re eligible for over 1,000 other
benefits, use the Benefit Finder <https://www.benefits.gov/benefit-finder>
questionnaire on Benefits.gov.

For the latest information on emergency aid and disaster areas, visit
DisasterAssistance.gov <https://www.disasterassistance.gov/> and take
the Benefit
Finder <https://www.benefits.gov/benefit-finder> on Benefits.gov to
determine your eligibility for disaster relief.
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