[Durham INC] DRAFT April INC minutes

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Tue May 23 17:02:02 EDT 2023

One correction to these minutes -- Representative from Morehead Hill

From: INC-list <inc-list-bounces at lists.deltaforce.net> on behalf of Pat Carstensen <pats1717 at hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2023 11:57 AM
To: inc listserv <inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net>
Subject: Re: [Durham INC] DRAFT April INC minutes

Resending these in advance of Tuesday meeting.  Regards, pat
From: INC-list <inc-list-bounces at lists.deltaforce.net> on behalf of Pat Carstensen <pats1717 at hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, May 1, 2023 5:55 PM
To: inc listserv <inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net>
Subject: [Durham INC] DRAFT April INC minutes

Please let me know about additions and corrections, regards, pat

April  Delegate Meeting

InterNeighborhood Council of Durham, Via Zoom

April 25, 2023

Attending the meeting were:


Bragtown – Vannessa Mason Evans

Briar Village – Ed Robertson

Burch Avenue – Richard Ziglar

Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen, Ed Harrison

Leesville Road Coalition – Steven Knill

Long Meadow – Pakis Bessias

Merrick-Moore – Bonita Green. Ayanna Smith

Morehead Hill – Rochelle Araujo

Old North Durham – Mimi O’Brien

Trinity Park –  Mimi Kessler, Mary Molina, Philip Azar, Dan Jewell

Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell

Watts Hospital Hillandale – Tom Miller


Hana  Stepnick – Duke University, journalism

Breana van Velzen – Durham Congregations in Action (DCIA)

Elaine O’Neal – Mayor of Durham

President Bonita Green called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone; those present introduced themselves.  There were no adjustments to the agenda. Mimi Kessler moved to approve the minutes, Steven Knill seconded and this passed.

SCAD Update – Representatives of INC have been invited to speak at several events and meetings, usually with the proponents also present.  Mayor O’Neal invited the proponents and skeptics of SCAD to meet with the assistance of the  Planning Department, and there was a first meeting today.

Mayor O’Neal said that the community conversations around SCAD are really important; SCAD has been taken off the May 2 agenda and referred back to staff; the issue is really complicated and at the end of the conversation, we will have a much more solid base on which to make decisions about how Durham will grow for everyone, laid out in a way that is understandable to all Durham’s residents.  Another issue facing Durham is gun crime and gun violence; Mayor O’Neal is hoping to kick off a “hackathon” to identify what is already being done in this space, and what can be productively added to get beyond simply reacting when something happens.  We want get resources and services to neighborhoods where the need is so great, taking the time to build relationships and realizing that each neighborhood will be different.  The tree protection only applies on build, not on tear-down, which means we are losing a lot of neighborhood trees.  We’d like to hear updates on the results of Expanding Housing Choices.  The Duke party houses are an issue in some neighborhoods, some with buses or many Ubers waiting to pick up sloshed students; the situation improves, then gets worse, then improves and so on, over time.  Conversations with developers and thorough reviews from government neighborhoods can make a real difference in getting infill that works for everyone.  The growth of the city and county is starting to strain the fire-fighting capacity; since you don’t get a fire engine with next-day delivery, we need to get new equipment into the budget soon.   We do have new 911 operators and fire fighters.  In conclusion, Durham has the capacity and opportunity to learn what will work for the whole community and show the world how to solve a lot of the problems that so many cities are facing.

Neighborhood Updates

  *   Leesville Road has upcoming town halls on the separation of responsibilities between the city and the county and on NCDOT’s plans for roads in SE Durham.  They will be doing candidate forums.

  *   Old North Durham art walk is this coming Saturday – see their web page.  They are also having a social gathering on Sunday if the weather cooperates.

  *   National Night Out is in October.

  *   Vanessa and Bonita have been working with a coalition on Green Homes in their neighborhoods – home repairs, storm water, energy efficiency – and it looks like they are getting more money for the effort so folks can continue to live in their homes more sustainability.

Adjourn - Next meeting May 23, 2023, @7 PM.

INC Dues

Dues are $25/year (January to December) but neighborhoods are encouraged to pay more than the minimum to support INC's work.

Please alert your neighborhood treasurer that INC dues for 2023 are due in January/February.

Dues may be given to your INC rep who will give them to INC Treasurer, Susan Sewell, or they may be mailed to:

InterNeighborhood Council of Durham

732 Ninth St, #700, Durham, NC 27705

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