[Durham INC] FW: SCAD Coming up for a hearing and a vote on Monday

tom miller miller.tom2022 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 08:46:46 EST 2023



From: tom miller <miller.tom2022 at gmail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 8:45 AM
To: miller.tom2022 at gmail.com
Subject: SCAD Coming up for a hearing and a vote on Monday


SCAD is coming up for a hearing and a vote at the city council meeting on
Monday, November 20.  The meeting starts at 7 p.m.  When SCAD came before
the council in August, the proponents saw so many opponents in the room,
they asked for a delay of ninety days and a "task force."  Their request was
granted.  The effect of this was to ride the opponents off their peak and to
push the decision past the election and take the pressure off the council
members who were candidates.  The task force met, but accomplished nothing -
the proponents didn't want to accomplish anything.  More on that in the
attached piece "About SCAD The Task Force."


We need to produce as many opponents' e-mails to council as we can.  We need
to have as many speakers at the hearing as we can generate.  The council
e-mail address is  <mailto:citycouncilonly at durhamnc.gov> Email the Council
Members .


Please circulate this message among your e-mail lists.  In addition to the
most recent "About SCAD" piece, there are four more that were written in
August. I will send these to you over the next few days so they are





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