[Durham INC] The big ask is for a joint BOCC/BOE Emergency Meeting

Mimi Kessler mimikessler1 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 15:45:34 EST 2024

If you have been living under a rock or gone from Durham for over a month,
you might not be aware that there are significant issues with the
management of the Durham School system. Here is a brief synopsis from the

“Budget problems in Durham Public Schools have caused disruptions,
including halted bus routes and school closings as staff members call in
sick to protest. The protests come as the school district reported it had
budgeted incorrectly and could not pay raises for 1,300 classified staff
members, including bus mechanics, cafeteria workers, and physical

(Read more about the timeline at:

A group of parents have asked that there be a joint meeting of the School
Board (BOE) and the County commissioners (CC) about the situation. One of
their concerns is about the threat of state receivership because we aren't
making decisions and commitments to ensure that doesn't happen.

The parents ask residents to write to the BOE and CC and demand a joint
meeting to address this emergency. Below are the email addresses and the
message they sent to those identified.

*BOE at dpsnc.net <boe at dpsnc.net>*

bettina_umstead at dpsnc.net

emilys_chavez at dpsnc.net

natalie_beyer at dpsnc.net

jessica_cardaauten at dpsnc.net

jovonia_lewis at dpsnc.net

millicent_rogers at dpsnc.net

alexandra_valladares at dpsnc.net

Durham County Board of Commissioners

*commissioners at dconc.gov <commissioners at dconc.gov>*

*nallam at dconc.gov <nallam at dconc.gov>*

nburns at dconc.gov

hcarter at dconc.gov

bhowerton at dconc.gov

wjacobs at dconc.gov

Here is a draft of the message. Tailoring to your own concerns or wording
is encouraged.

*As a community member I demand that the Durham County Board of Education
and Board of County Commissioners hold an EMERGENCY joint meeting to
address the classified staffing pay error. *This is a crisis moment for our
Durham community. Community members want staff to receive fair wages and
safe working conditions, just as much as we NEED our students learning in
class daily. The chaos of the last 3 weeks is unacceptable.

Please set a meeting time and location for the joint meeting so affected
staff and community members can come and make public comments.

Please have the results of the classified staff payment error investigation
for BOE, BOCC, and the public ready to share.

Specifically, we want the following issues shared: a timeline of notified
parties (focused on the Superintendent, CFO, Chief of HR, and School Board
Members), and a financial plan (including funding request) from the school
district to ensure all the impacted classified staff are paid the salaries
they were promised in October 2023.

Support the DPS classified staff and support DPS students and end this
dysfunction and chaos.

Mimi Kessler
"Democracy is not a spectator sport" - John Deen
Please vote every chance you get.
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