[Durham INC] Durham County Economic Development Department Publishes New Quarterly Newsletter

Jones, Henry R. hrjones at dconc.gov
Thu Feb 8 13:17:43 EST 2024

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For Immediate Release                                           Date: 02/08/2024
Contact: Public Information Office                    Phone: (919) 560-0000/Fax: (919) 560-0020
E-mail: publicinformationoffice at dconc.gov<mailto:publicinformationoffice at dconc.gov>

Durham County Economic Development Department Publishes New Quarterly Newsletter

Durham, N.C. - The Durham County Economic Development Department has issued its first newsletter<https://www.dco-ed.com/home/showpublisheddocument/40570/638423928656370000> to offer residents a window into the work they are supporting in the Durham community. The newsletter features stories and updates from the department's portfolio covering small business support, workforce development, and business recruitment. It is also available in Spanish<https://www.dco-ed.com/home/showpublisheddocument/40572/638423929909670000>.

The newsletter's first edition includes an interview with one of the first BULLS Academies graduates, Armond Shaw, who is now working full-time at Biogen after getting his certificate in BioWork from Durham Tech. It also highlights the entrepreneurial programming at Durham Success Summit, a community-based organization who participated in the City-County Innovate Durham program. Additional features include Maya Freelon's Durham Loan Fund Success Story, a small business spotlight on Antonio Alanis Art, and highlights from 2023's business recruitment announcements.

The newsletter will be published quarterly and can be found here<https://www.dco-ed.com/resources/documents>. If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, please sign up here<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=owBqwQlWwEeywnLYY140IyS6SHZzRAtPs3XoMA0uOSNUOEEzV0JIVjdFRk80QjRSQkszQ1FUWlRPNi4u>.

"On behalf of the Durham County Economic Development team, we are excited to publish our first edition newsletter highlighting some of the excellent partnerships happening in our community," said Andy Miracle, Durham County Economic Development Director. "Our mission includes promoting the economic equity and well-being of Durham County, and the stories that we share here will reflect those values. We hope that readers will gain a sense of the programs that we support and how they benefit Durham residents. Please enjoy and come back for future editions."

For more information about the Durham County Economic Development Department, visit their website at https://www.dco-ed.com<https://www.dco-ed.com/>, or reach out at econdev at dconc.gov<mailto:econdev at dconc.gov>.


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