[Durham INC] Thank you (Duke Rezoning)

R Z richard.ziglar at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 12:28:48 EDT 2024

I want to thank everyone who wrote letters and/or came out last Tuesday
night to speak against the Duke rezoning requests.

The Planning Commission recommended *not *to approve the additions to East
Campus UC(D) in an 8-1 vote, recommended *not* to approve the requested
tier change, 5-4, but* did *recommend to approve the requested additions to
Central Campus UC(D), again 8-1.


2:02:34 Vote on tier change fails (5-4 “no”)

2:03:59 Vote on East Campus additions to UC(D) fails (8-1 “no”)

2:21:30 Vote on Central Campus additions to UC(D) passes (8-1 “yes”)

I'm not sure if my emails to the INC listserv are getting through so I have
BCC'd a few INC people. If any of you who I have BCC'd do not see something
from me on the INC listserv, and you should have, please let me know.


Richard Ziglar
Burch Ave
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