[Durham INC] ACT IMMEDIATELY: Tell Senate Transportation to protect our trees

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Tue May 7 16:28:52 EDT 2024

From: Erin Carey, NC Sierra Club <reply at emails.sierraclub.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 12:58 PM
To: pats1717 at hotmail.com <pats1717 at hotmail.com>
Subject: ACT IMMEDIATELY: Tell Senate Transportation to protect our trees

Support amendment to protect native redbuds from billboard rules
[North Carolina Chapter Sierra Club]<https://click.emails.sierraclub.org/?qs=bf3431bbb904e4eca87ce804d431212a7297c50c31960cd55b2dbdcc0aecdff938ca883e8d805a2f7611bef007c53fd4674222236749e9c4>
[An illustration of a billboard with a sad li'l cartoon stump on it]
As we warned you last week, the Senate Transportation Committee is about to take up H198, DOT Legislative Changes<https://click.emails.sierraclub.org/?qs=bf3431bbb904e4ec35e89edc5dddb6c78de3a3fe726c9af0ece548b76e039c3c166bc0b8de4ee73de7d9885300f73b5d6f7303a1dbebe4c5>, which would roll back regulations on highway billboards to allow cutting of native redbud trees. The committee meets at noon tomorrow, Wednesday.

Good news: We have an amendment! Sen. Julie Mayfield will be offering an amendment that would protect native trees while allowing billboard owners to trim back less vegetation than the bill's current language proposes.

As soon as you can, please call as many members as possible on the Senate Transportation Committee<https://click.emails.sierraclub.org/?qs=bf3431bbb904e4ec3ea06eeb059b1a40d747129243a73478f22df2db96b90f4327c70a3ee1456a0bc8feac6f957fefe82e231777620fe7bd> and ask them to support this amendment. You can also thank Senator Mayfield for offering the amendment.

What should you say?

In addition to allowing billboard owners to cut native redbuds around billboards – which isn't allowed under current law – the legislation would nearly double the area where tree-cutting is currently permitted. It also would override local tree-protection ordinances related to relocated billboards.

When you call, remind the committee members that the bill's current language would:

  *   contradict North Carolina's commitment to roadside beauty as witnessed by every person who travels our highways,
  *   tear away native species that are a visual representation of our state's natural heritage and our appreciation of it, and
  *   diminish the amount of trees available for carbon capture.

Point out that the amendment would:

  *   Continue to protect native redbuds in the cut zone around billboards, and
  *   Compromise on the proposed increase cut zone to allow more visibility for signs while preserving trees that don't impact the sightline.

Please call right away – and encourage your friends to do the same – and ask Senate Transportation Committee members to adopt this amendment to H198 tomorrow!

Thanks for your activism and your support,

Erin Carey
Acting Director | NC Sierra Club

Contact committee members now!<https://click.emails.sierraclub.org/?qs=bf3431bbb904e4ec354ae8e55f2196c3cb96c8d989140b2ae11cc5b79f492b52157013e8d9a73e81234b047d537b69592191caaf9404418f>
Sierra Club North Carolina Chapter<https://click.emails.sierraclub.org/?qs=bf3431bbb904e4ecd11516e07a3714ed566de81e66075ec14c24d44275974175d61eaa7bee397c14a2bd2bb565d2bf7a7ff838563a852bbe>
PO Box 30396, Raleigh, NC 27622-0396
nc.chapter at sierraclub.org<mailto:nc.chapter at sierraclub.org?subject=>

This email was sent to: pats1717 at hotmail.com

This email was sent by the Sierra Club North Carolina Chapter
PO Box 30396, Raleigh, NC 27622-0396

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