[Durham INC] FW: Partnership for a Healthy Durham Access to Care Committee meeting Community Health Improvement (CHIP) Discussion

Angel Romero Ruiz angel.romero at duke.edu
Wed May 8 08:48:52 EDT 2024


 This is a reminder that the Partnership for a Healthy Durham's Access to Care Committee meeting will take place tomorrow, Thursday, May 9, 2024, 08:30-9:30  AM.

The primary focus of the meeting will be a 2024-2027 Community Health Improvement (CHIP) Discussion.

Please forward to anyone that might be interested in attending the meeting.

The updated agenda is attached.

Download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZ0ucO6upz0sEteoINkhKFcGwcIo2RdPaGqN/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGhrTwtHN2TthGERpx5A4_CKO7xmCFdj7dYkzbLCCh4RADRIeFrPeBNFOjR<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZ0ucO6upz0sEteoINkhKFcGwcIo2RdPaGqN/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGhrTwtHN2TthGERpx5A4_CKO7xmCFdj7dYkzbLCCh4RADRIeFrPeBNFOjR__;!!OToaGQ!oHnjwC7d4vk-BdNdfTkfTx6Wr_Dio6Xb5_OlL-MU8bRUYKMoUQFd4SO9RH_GgrhyPAJ-28UDYr1FQ50NVEZ7FlZ_9g$>

 Join Zoom Meeting


Ángel Romero Ruiz, MMC, CNM
Program Coordinator, Community Partnerships
Duke Population Health Management Office
Cell: 919.812.4357
Fax: 919.660.0654
Email: angel.romero at duke.edu<mailto:angel.romero at duke.edu>
Web: phmo.dukehealth.org

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