[Durham INC] May Delegate Meeting - 28th @7pm IN PERSON!

Debra Hawkins dhawkins913311 at gmail.com
Tue May 28 02:23:20 EDT 2024

It's not about me personally or my need to 'socialize', but about important
city engagement that every citizen, no matter their health, disability or
privilege, should have access and accommodation about, and the audio in
every one of the previous zoom based meetings, as well as on standard
dial-in conference technologies (either in digital space dial in, or via a
tabletop system) that have been available for years, is perfectly fine -
since the FDA, the CDC, Wall Street and several government and
corporate entities that allow public listening, access and Q & A use all
the time, as well as for numerous webinars. To say otherwise is to
discredit all that and kind of a weak argument for not investing in
participatory governance for this delegatory body.

I'm cc'ing Pakis on this as I'm certain he's familiar with the good quality
techical phone in digital space, tabletop, and app based systems for
facilitating a simple digital access for those who require it to be engaged
citizen participants. And many are at reasonable cost, especially for the
INS treasury which has available funds and not too many demands on them as
compared to other nonprofit groups that don't get free work/meeting spaces
and have little overhead and available discretionary funds.

Thank you for reconsidering and making at least a little effort to create
ADA access for meetings and to solicit more disabled citizen's experience
with such technologies rather than the opinion or experience of a few who
are able-bodied/privileged with somewhat different or better health
circumstances. It's also true that the technology need not be set up every
time if you adopt a registration approach and no one regiters ahead of that
meeting, if that is a useful strategem for operations, expense etc.


On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 3:52 PM Mimi Kessler <mimikessler1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for expressing your needs and concerns. Having participated in
> many hybrid meetings, I find that the audio is hardly ever satisfactory
> even when hosts make an extraordinary effort with microphones
> and/or speakers.
> I am willing to try this in the future, but at least half the purpose of
> this particular meeting is about socializing. Sorry you cannot be there.
> Mimi Kessler
> 919-599-2892
> On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 1:52 PM Debra Hawkins <dhawkins913311 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> As this meeting and possible future ones will not be moving to a hybrid
>> model like many other community organizations have elected, as a disabled
>> immunocompromised person I will not be a citizen that can attend, and this
>> is also true for elders and those who may be ill/at home/with
>> children/mobility concerns, other disabilities relating to in person
>> engagement, and citizens who may be away from Durham but want to
>> participate when select guests are presenting vital information about a
>> time critical matter.
>> I would strongly encourage the delegates and the officers of INC to table
>> emotion and discussion about ensuring that the access and work of the
>> council is not only participatory in a safe and accessible way for immune
>> competent individuals and others with health privilege - or access to child
>> care. And employ strategies to ensure that everyone in Durham's community
>> including the disabled can be full participants and contributors to the
>> activities of the INC if they desire to do so. (Certainly the technology is
>> readily available and if not already in possession of the INC delegation,
>> quite inexpensive to come by (and the INC treasury/dues most likely
>> available to acquire it).
>> Thank you to all present INC delegates and others in this listserve
>> community for considering this very important issue.
>> D Hawkins, former NPNA delegate to the INC and past member of the
>> nominating, neighborhood heroes event,  environmental action (Chair) and
>> technology subcommittees
>> On Sat, May 25, 2024, 4:16 PM Mimi Kessler <mimikessler1 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I am pleased to announce that for the first time since covid, *we are
>>> meeting in person!* It will be great to see each other in 3-dimensions.
>>> We will meet at Golden Belt (807 E Main St), Building 2, in the
>>> Neighborhood Improvement Services conference room on the third floor.
>>> Parking is available both in front and back of the building.
>>> Council Member* Nate Baker* will be joining us again to update us on
>>> the progress of the UDO re-write.
>>> The business meeting will be fairly brief in favor of *adjourning to a
>>> local establishment to get to know each other better. We hope anyone
>>> interested will join us and we encourage former delegates and friends of
>>> INC to join us too.*
>>> Agenda attached.
>>> --
>>> Mimi Kessler
>>> INC President, 2023-24
>>> 919-599-2892
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