[Durham INC] Neighborhood Meetings: Durham Joint City County Planning Committee June 6, 2024

Mimi Kessler mimikessler1 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 22:36:10 EDT 2024

I watched it too.
In order of the agenda:

   1. Presentation on the Planning Department (PD) analysis of the
   Neighborhood Meeting requirements being revamped. Key points are;
      1. There now will be 2 neighborhood meetings required instead of one.
      The first will occur after the developer has submitted the
application but
      before the staff has their conference with them. This is so when
the public
      calls and asks questions stimulated by the meeting the staff
will at least
      know about the proposal.  The second to happen after staff have had a
      conference with the applicant wherein there may be changes to
the original
      design and those can be shown to the neighbors.
      2. The second change that is being made is there will be signage
      placed at the property requesting the rezoning. They will be
similar to the
      current rezoning sign design and the requirements for placement
will be the
      same as the rezoning sign.
      3. There was also a discussion of having training (maybe via video)
      to help applicants meet the needs of the neighbors. This included
      discussion about translation services.
      2. Growth Management Pending Case summary  (unremarkable)
   3. Presentation on the new software -Durham Rezoning Explorer-  to
   replace SocialPinpoint which has been developed in-house. It has a variety
   of good interface features allowing the user to find cases in a variety of
   ways, including by address, and it is mobile-friendly.
   4. County Input on Annexations - There is a discussion that occurs
   around the timestamp 40:00 that has to do with a process related to County
   Commissioner only being informed about specific development projects and
   not others. At about time stamp 41, Wendy Jacobs made a comment that the
   Kemp Rd EMS station build now has to occur sooner than the county expected
   and that has a budgetary impact because of a case that wasn't on their
   radar (or at least that is what I think I heard). I found the conversation
   very confusing, but Director Young said she had what she needed. I think
   the net of it was that they would only get a heads up if a development was
   going to cross the Urban Growth Boundary. It sounded like the lane that is
   city and the lane that is county was being more clearly defined.

I agree with Bruce, it is worth watching.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 7:51 PM <bruce at paintingsbybruce.com> wrote:

> I didn't know this was coming up, so I didn't watch it live but it just
> came up in my YouTube feed (which tells you something) and I'm watching it
> now. You might want to check it out.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Fx7I3TRkUY
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Mimi Kessler
"Democracy is not a spectator sport" - John Deen
Please vote every chance you get.
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