[Durham INC] Does anyone know who writes for the Durham Dispatch?

bruce at paintingsbybruce.com bruce at paintingsbybruce.com
Fri Jul 12 21:41:47 EDT 2024

I think you're right to be suspicious. The absence of ANY identifying 
info and its bare-bones structure suggest automation. The 'filters' 
applied to pictures for many of the articles seem weird, too. I can only 
speculate at this point as my cursory searches for details yield only 
more questions. So far, though, I'm getting a very strong whiff of AI 
from this Durham Dispatch operation.

I'm not about to click on their social media links, as I avoid that 
stuff like the plague that it is. Do let us know if you learn more.



On 2024-07-12 17:55, R Z wrote:

> I'm sorry. By "byline" I mean a person with a name. All I'm seeing are 
> links to the original work which, from the ones I have checked, are 
> just press releases from political activist groups or NGOs. No author 
> names are mentioned that I can see. Nothing wrong with that but I would 
> just like to see who is behind it, like the names on the masthead or a 
> real byline. Maybe I'm just overlooking it...
> Richard
> On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 5:34 PM Mary Molina <mymolina49 at yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
> The writer(s)/groups are noted at the bottom
> of each story
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone [1]
> On Friday, July 12, 2024, 5:06 PM, R Z <richard.ziglar at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> They seem to be an aggregator but their articles very often are not 
> bylined.
> https://www.durhamdispatch.com/post/the-landlord-cartel-realpage-and-why-your-rent-is-going-up
> --Richard _______________________________________________
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