[Durham INC] June Minutes

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 19 08:42:54 EDT 2024

I'm not sure these got sent out previously, but I am sending or re-sending in advance of next week's meeting. Please let me know if you have any additions or corrections .  thanks, pat

June Delegate Meeting
InterNeighborhood Council of Durham
June 25, 2024

Attending the meeting were:
Bragtown – Vannessa Mason Evans
Burch Avenue – Richard Ziglar
Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen
Leesville Road Coalition – Herman Sperling
Merrick-Moore – Bonita Green
Morehead Hill – Bruce Mitchell
Northgate Park – Keith Cochran
Old North Durham – Mimi O’Brien
Trinity Park –  Mimi Kessler, Mary Molina
Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell
Watts Hospital Hillandale – Sherri Zann Rosenthal, Tom Miller

President Mimi Kessler called the meeting to order and folks introduced themselves.

Mimi O’Brien moved to approve the May minutes, Bonita Green seconded, and this passed.

Rewrite of the UDO: Mimi Kessler attended the meeting for residents on the UDO re-write;  at it, someone said that 8 units per lot was not “planning’s understanding.”  However, at the JCCPC meeting, someone asked whether the planners should go ahead with  having up to 8 units per lot inside the urban growth boundary, and no-one said no.   Planning would like to have simpler code – that is, many fewer types of residential lots.  Also at the JCCPC, the presentation started with the residents’ clear direction that they wanted trees and protection of existing development, and this dismissed by the Mayor.  The regulations should cover both the built environment and the environment to be built.  New neighborhoods with restrictive covenants will be protected; older neighborhoods will not be.  Mimi Kessler will ask Planning if the consultant can come to our July meeting.

Northgate Mall Redevelopment: The latest proposal has 72 units with an average 60% AMI and for those aged 55+, with  otherwise the same proposal for lab and office space; they will need rezoning.  They have a major commercial tenant lined up.  The small area planning for Walltown has started; we will see how close it is to the ideas from the community.

Support for Burch Avenue – Duke has pulled their application for three properties, including the Gaddis Street laundry part of the proposal.

Revamping external communications: The committee has a proposed new logo and is continuing to work on the website and brochure.   People made comments on the proposals, about color and small houses.

The latest weekly news from Planning gives what they decided on neighborhood meetings.  Mimi Kessler will post this on list-serve.


 Northgate Park is still having their food truck rodeos.
Watts Hospital Hillandale and Old West Durham will have their annual 4th of July Parade, and everyone is invited.
The folks pushing park bonds are mentioning contamination, but there is a fair amount of distrust of Parks due to lack of transparency about contamination so far.


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