INC NEWS - What about the RBA process and funding

Nancy Cox scrapping.nancy at
Wed Jun 4 18:05:34 EDT 2008

    I have been part of the Results Based Accountability Committee on children ready for and succeeding in schools since its inception.  My understanding of these committees (there are now 9) was that they would provide a mechanism for defining measurable objectives and that funding by city and county for the many non-profits involved on the committees would funnel through to target these objectives.  Anyone know more about the role of RBA and funding?  These committees are open to any citizen and could, again if I understood their purpose, be the citizen group that looks at funding issues.  
    Also, because they provide the rare opportunity for non-profits serving in the same area to come together around the table, opportunities for collaboration come up.  My area of knowledge tends to be in Education such things as afterschool programs.  I do believe that there are opportunities for groups to partner with a possible outcome being a reduction in their costs and to collaborate in applying for funding.  I do know that funders of all types are looking to get the most bang for their buck and thus smile on collaborative efforts among various agencies, especially when it is a government group and a non-profit.  An example is Parks and Recreation, Public Schools and a non-profit with a tutoring curriculum coming together to apply for afterschool funds.
        Also, I understand that the city and county don't have endless amounts of money for non-profits and agencies.  I thought that money provided by government was meant to be seed money or money to use to leverage bids for funding from grants whether they be from government at state and federal level or through foundations.  Surely a non-profit, no matter how worthy, can't expect to be fully funded by local dollars.

Nancy Cox

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