INC NEWS - good news for trash

RW Pickle randy at
Fri Jan 21 17:44:11 EST 2005

I have to get you guys posting to the new list server. Maybe if we just
shut the old one down it will leave no choice.


I guess it was only a matter of time before Alfred Davis was run out of
town or left. In the year he has been here, nothing has improved. You can
look at the straws the PR was grasping to try to make it look like he did
something of value. It's all gone downhill.

I just sent a message to Bill about where I want INC to have a say on the
new person and for them to bring an immediate stop to the building of a
$10,000 compost demonstration site. What a waste of money that is. You
composters know. $10K for a compost site? What a waste. They should show
the public how to recycle trash (pallets) into compost bins. How expensive
is that? I'll even supply a link to an online site that will spell it out.

It almost a 21 million dollar budget and that's our money!

I'm with Barry. Let's get someone who is going to stay and make it better;
not visit for a year, screw it up, and then leave. What kind of sense does
that make. I mean, how hard is it to pick up trash and yardwaste? We don't
even control or run the dump anymore. Let those who have a problem with
how things are going get a chance to inflict change. Something has to
happen. Even the employees at the stret level said it made no sense to
them. What does that say about something so simple.

Randy Pickle
Forest Hills

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