INC NEWS - september 27 agenda

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Mon Sep 19 18:30:13 EDT 2005

InterNeighborhood Council of Durham
Monthly meeting on Tuesday September 27, 2005
7-9pm in the Community Room
HERALD-SUN Building (2828 Pickett Road)
Refreshments are provided

Welcome and Introductions (10 min)	    Bill Anderson, President

Discussion Items / Presentations (30 min)
q Resolution on Information on Rental Properties
   Approve resolution stated below
q Triangle Transit Authority	John Tallmadge, TTA
   Information on the proposed regional light rail system
q Clarifying Bond Oversight	Cheryl Shiflett
   What does oversight of bond funding mean (see below)

INC Elections  (20 min)

Updates  (20 min)

q Minutes and Treasurer’s Report            	Pat  / Randy
q Yard Waste
q Neighborhood Hero Awards
q Other Updates or New Business

Announcements / Events (5 min)

q Next INC Delegate Meeting – October 25
q INC Birthday Bash – September 28
q City-wide Croquet Tournament – October 1
q Big Sweep – October 1
q TTA / Sierra Club Urban Hike – October 1

For additional information, contact Bill Anderson (688-4550 or 
TheOcean1 at
To update information on your neighborhood, neighbors at or 

"Only in the continuous encounter with other persons, does the person become 
and remain a person.
The place of this encounter is the community"

Resolution on Public Information  on Rental Properties

The GIS maps available to the public via the City of Durham website make it 
easy for citizens to identify property owners. However, nearly half the 
properties in Durham overall are rental properties, and many of these 
properties are managed by property management companies. When there are 
problems with these properties or the tenants in them, such as possible code 
violations, lack of lawn or structure maintenance, noise violations, or 
criminal activity, there is no easy way for citizens to identify and inform 
the property managers of these problems. These kinds of problems have a 
negative impact on neighborhoods, discouraging residents from investing 
financially and emotionally in their neighborhoods and encouraging 
negligence and criminal activity.

And whereas
The InterNeighborhood Council (INC) of Durham believes that the city of 
Durham should do everything in its power to encourage citizens to actively 
address the problems that contribute to neighborhood blight and criminal 

Therefore, INC resolves that the City of Durham to require that all property 
managers who manage three (3) or more rental properties in the City of 
Durham provide a complete listing of their rental properties to be posted on 
a city-sponsored website that will be open to the public and searchable by 
street address, and to require that these listings be updated every six 

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