INC NEWS - Update on luminaries

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Thu Nov 10 19:42:12 EST 2005

I received one message from a neighborhood that is doing luminaries on Dec 
11, with rain-date of Dec 18.   The previous notes were about evenly 
distributed between those who want the back-up of a rain date and those who 
just want to go with one day.   (So it sounds like all neighborhoods will do 
luminaries on Dec 18 if it rains on the 11th, but different neighborhoods 
will be doing it on different nights if it is good weather on the 11th)

There is also a difference of opinion on whether it is good to have lots of 
neighborhoods on the same night (do we fraternize more across neighborhoods 
when we are all out enjoying a spectacle across Durham or when we don't have 
events in our own neighborhood).  Anyhow, our neighborhood finds it is a 
wonderful "excuse" to get together.

Anyhow, INC is not making a recommendation.

Regards, pat

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