INC NEWS - Panhandling Thoughts from Terry Allebaugh

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Wed Jan 25 07:26:02 EST 2006

The INC had invited Terry Allebaugh of Housing for New Hope to attend last night's panel discussion on panhandling.  Terry could not make the meeting.  Because his experience is valuable to this discussion, we asked him if he would be willing to put together some thoughts on the issue to be shared with the group.  Below are his thoughts.  - Ken Gasch

----- Original Message ----- 
From: TeeBaugh4 at 
To: ken.gasch at 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: Proposed Panhandling Ban

  It is late in the day so I am not sure if you will get this in time for tonight's meeting, but I hope so. It was good to talk to with you yesterday, and I am glad there is a group meeting to discuss the issue of panhandling. What follows are a few thoughts to share with the group if appropriate.
  First I think panhandling is a social and, at times a safety issue, that warrants the response of a thinking and caring community. I don't think it is a criminal issue, and attempts to render it so across the country have either blatantly walked over people's individual rights or have done little to reduce or eliminate its presence. There is something illogical about fining a homeless person or poor person and/or jailing them as a deterrent. If we really want a legal component I would suggest that if we criminalize panhandling, then perhaps we should arrest the one gives money. Using the analogy of prostitution, both parties are guilty of a crime. I say that in jest, but only to lead to my main thought which is this:
I think the key to curbing panhandling is to work the supply side of the matter, the givers. I would like to see a major promotional campaign undertaken that encourages all of Durham to say no to panhandlers and say yes to getting involved to support a community-wide effort to end homelessness. In March, Durham will unveil its 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness, which many of us in Durham have been working to develop. One strategy is to develop housing that is service-enriched for the chronically homeless, many of whom suffer from mental illness, poor health, and addiction. Some of these folks are who you are seeing out there. The body they found in woods off 15-501 a few weeks ago was one of these guys.
  While we are working on implementing longer term solutions like this, a step to take now would be to encourage people not to give to panhandlers. Empower people to say no, while also making sure the City and County have established a call-in number where people can be referred, and that adequate staffing is in place to respond to people's need. Advertise in churches the importance of saying no to panhandlers, and simultaneously organize teams to do outreach to deliver food and a caring presence. 
  Panhandling is not a police issue. If a panhandler is threatening, it's not panhandling, it's robbery, and we have laws for that. 
  Okay, there's a few thoughts. I hope I will have the opportunity to interact with your group in the future. 


Terry Allebaugh, Executive Director
Housing for New Hope
(919) 220-3777
TeeBaugh4 at 
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