INC NEWS - [TrinityPark] RE: agenda and proposed resolutions for April 25 meeting

Newman Aguiar newman at
Sat Apr 22 17:39:29 EDT 2006


One more thing ...

You may ask, well, if we enforce the ordinance why would that not reduce
panhandling at street and highway intersections?

We know from Durham Police Department arrest records that the individuals
arrested the most in Durham are arrested for aggressive panhandling (covered
by the current ordinance).  Over a four year period, for instance, one
panhandler was arrested 53 times.  Now consider the cost associated with
arresting and processing someone that many times.

Clearly, under the current ordinance, the arrests are not deterring these
individuals from aggressive panhandling.  What possible benefit would come
from arresting even more individuals, who for more complex socio-economic
reasons will continue to stand by our streets and highways soliciting for


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