INC NEWS - other workers wages

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Fri May 19 21:02:59 EDT 2006


I think you and I are on the same page with this whole thing except for one 
little point.

I think paying by the hour is an old way of thinking.  If you want a job 
done, pay for the job.  On trash day, I have a little guy that simply has to 
go outside and watch the hydraulic lifters empty the cans into the backs of 
the trucks.  Every Friday, these guys are running as they go along house to 
house.  As I hold the little guy up so he can get a better look, they always 
rock the hydraulic lever and make the cans dance.  He giggles like you 
wouldn't believe.

Anyway, the point of the story is that I have the opportunity to watch these 
guys work week after week and let me tell you, they are "moving".  In the 
biz, this is referred to as great American hustle.  It makes men proud of 
their work.  It lifts morale.  This is because the get paid by the job. 
When they complete their route, they are done.  Pay them by the hour and you 
will not get a better deal.  They will slow down.  I would slow down as 

I used to own a yard service when I was a young lad growing up in Dallas. 
My company took care of about 40 yards a week.  Paying by the hour will kill 
you every time.  You will be running and your helper will be walking.  Pay 
by the yard and you are both running.

Besides, paying by the job always give you better control over your variable 
costs and eases headaches when it comes to budgeting.

Ken Gasch

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "RW Pickle" <randy at>
To: <inc-list at>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 4:38 PM
Subject: INC NEWS - other workers wages

> Just to see what some other workers make, I did a random survey. I
> contacted 2 businesses that use CDL drivers and 2 that were in the
> construction business. The going rate for semi-skilled construction labor
> (large construction firms here locally) is around $8/hr. The going rate
> for CDL drivers (major concrete company and major bus service in the area
> as well) is $11.49-13/hr. So I'd have to believe the wages for solid waste
> workers is in line with other industries. I told those who I ask the
> questions of that I would not mention their company name. So that is why I
> have generalized by industry. But you're welcome to call around for
> yourself and see. No company paid its employees for time they didn't work
> unless it was vacation time.
> I also stopped and asked 6 grounds maintenance workers doing work in a
> large neighborhood here in Durham. Grounds maintenance is part of living
> there. All but 2 of these individuals made less than $10/hr. The crew boss
> made more and one of the six made $10.25. He had been there 5 years.
> Just FYI for those who wonder.
> 27 Beverly
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