INC NEWS - Service Standards Resolution

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Sat May 27 18:01:26 EDT 2006

It occurred to me that the "whereas" in the resolution lead one to think the 
resolution will ask for more detail on individual requests rather than 
better standards, so with Randy and Ken and other members of INC Executive 
Committee, I am proposing this amended resolution (it mostly adds 2 
clarifying whereas's)

Regards, pat

Whereas: Citizens need a way to monitor their service requests made to 
Housing, Zoning, Solid Waste and other city/county departments, and get 
discouraged when the work isn't completed

Whereas: When service requests become lost in the system, there may not be 
follow through,

Whereas: Unified call systems are an important way to get a "report card" on 
the effectiveness of city services.  That is, if there are standards -- for 
example, how long it takes to handle requests -- and we monitor how well 
they are met, citizens will have assurance that requests are being handled 
in a timely fashion and will know how long to wait before following up on 

Whereas: This monitoring is equally important for county and city/county 
departments, such as zoning.

We resolve that: Durham One Call organizes "Service Delivery Standards," for 
consistencies in city/county departmental service performances and to allow 
citizens to monitor such performance of service requests through the system. 
Furthermore, we propose that the County be strongly encouraged to join the 
Durham One Call program in order to make county functions easily accessible 
to the entire Durham community.

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