INC NEWS - DRAFT May Minutes

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Sat May 27 22:02:56 EDT 2006

I just noticed date on the minutes is wrong -- Should be May 23.  Regards, 

>From: "pat carstensen" <pats1717 at>
>To: inc-list at
>Subject: INC NEWS - DRAFT May Minutes
>Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 17:37:26 -0400
>Inter-Neighborhood Council
>Minutes of Meeting of January 24, 2006
>David Harris	Old Farm
>Ken Gasch	Colonial Village
>Vicki Schneider	Woodlake
>Jim Ellenso	Old N. Durham
>Amanda Arnington	Pickett Rd.
>Casey Arnington	Pickett Rd.
>Randy Pickle	Forest Hills
>Rosemarie Kitchin	Falconbridge
>Emily Weinstein	EANG – Solterra
>Randy Pickle	Forest Hills
>Mike Woodard	WHHNA
>Bill Anderson	Duke Park
>Michael Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
>Cheryl Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
>Fran Lerner	Colony Park
>Sarah Free	Lassiter Street
>Bobbe Deason	Morehead Hills
>Risa Foster	Trinity Heights
>Janet Hitti	Parkwood
>Lugenia Mason	River Forest
>Lorisa Seibel	Durham Affordable Housing Coalition
>Pat Carstensen	Cross County
>Myers Suggs	Tuscaloosa Lakewood
>Annette Smith	Durham Parks and Rec
>Wendy Bernhardt	Tuscaloosa-Lakewood
>Cathy Abernathy	Hope Valley Neighborhood
>Sandy Ogburn	Five Oaks Lakeside
>Mark Prokop	Meals on Wheels of Durham
>Adaire Salt	Grove Park
>Craigie Sanders	Grove Park
>Melissa Rooney	Fairfield NA
>Introductions – President Mike Woodard opened the meeting.  Members 
>introduced themselves.
>Parks and Rec Events – Annette Smith announced a number of special events 
>and distributed copies of Play More.  For more information on warehouse 
>blues, Latino Festival, Woofstock, and so on, see
>Neighborhood Priorities – We brainstormed and voted on issues   The 
>ß Continuously chained dogs (17 votes)
>ß Drug houses I Section 8 property (10)
>ß Landlord responsibility for rental property (9)
>ß Redevelopment of vacant commercial property near neighborhoods (8)
>ß Single family houses used as multifamily houses (7)
>ß Gateway beautification (7)
>ß Boarded up houses (6)
>ß Street maintenance (6)
>ß Maintenance of street trees (5)
>ß Streetscape / underground utilities (5)
>ß Loud music from autos (4)
>ß Demolition of substandard (mostly) rental property (4)
>ß Afterschool in neighborhoods (4)
>ß Leaf pick up (4)
>ß Clean energy / solar (3)
>ß Education about nuisance property (3)
>ß Trash cans at curb (3)
>ß Local public transportation (3)
>ß Regional public transportation (2)
>ß Uniform street names (2)
>ß Better access to police data (2)
>ß Partner with other community groups (2)
>ß Partnership to fight poverty (2)
>ß Parking in yards (2)
>ß Satellite dishes in front yard (2)
>ß ID / attire for meter readers (1)
>ß Easy of rezoning (too easy/) (1)
>ß Help organize neighborhoods (1)
>ß Neighborhoods interaction to city center (1)
>ß Subdivision of lots / infill (1)
>ß Better transportation to outlying areas (1)
>Meal on Wheels of Durham – Mark Prokop said they have sent out over 1 
>million meals since they started in 1975.  They are moving so their new 
>main number is 667-9424.  Volunteer drivers can do the same route every day 
>or share routes; they also need route coordinators for shared routes. The 
>website is
>Service Delivery Standards – This has bubbled out of PAC2, from frustration 
>at finding out what has happened to their reports and service requests to 
>One-Call.  Only 3 areas of city government have real standards on how they 
>are handling requests, and zoning is City-County to zoning is not covered 
>by One-Call.  You can find out when your item closes out, so the issue is 
>less tracking individual requests as knowing what the overall picture is.  
>Given confusion about what system will do, we will ask the director of 
>One-Call for a presentation.  In the meantime, neighborhoods are asked to 
>consider the following resolution in Appendix A.
>Other Items
>1. Dues for 2005-06 are now due.  As of 5/11/06, we have $900.03 in 
>checking and $2227.05 in savings.
>2. Neighborhood Hero Awards – Washington Duke will again host.  
>Neighborhoods are asked to select one hero.  This year we will present 
>awards to contributors to INC as well.  If you want to be on the Awards 
>Committee, let Mike know.
>3. Nominating Committee –  If you want to be on the Executive Committee or 
>the Nominating Committee for it, please talk to Mike.
>4. Panhandling – We left it tabled for this month.
>5. Tenant Video – INC with other organizations is working on a video, in 
>Spanish, on tenant rights and responsibilities.  It should be done next 
>month or  so.
>6. Public Access to Police Database – Money for it is in the departments 
>request to the budget process.
>7. Summary Ejection – PAC2 presented to PAC3.  See Ken Gasch for details.
>8. Boards and Commissions – Openings for county have just been announced.
>9. Community Life Court – Meant to be for broad set of quality of life 
>issues, but Housing the only agency that seems to be using it.
>10. Dogs – Dogs barking continuously generally have a reason, like being 
>tied up.
>11. Affordable Housing – Volunteer Repair Day is June 17.  They also have a 
>proposal for Neighborhood Mini-Grants that could be used for supplies for 
>beautification and minor home repairs.
>12. Jay Reinstein left word that the trash enforcement ordinance us on June 
>5 consent agenda.  An enforcement officer is in the solid waste budget 
>13. City and County budgets happen in June.
>14. Trash Survey – Keep Durham Beautiful has a scientific way to count 
>litter.  Neighborhoods may want to participate in the "litter count" on 
>June 21.
>15. There is training for HOA boards from CAI.
>16. National Night Out is August 1.
>The meeting was adjourned.
>Attachment A: Standards of Service
>Whereas: Citizens need a way to track their service requests made to 
>Housing, Zoning, Solid Waste and other city/county departments,
>Whereas: When service requests become lost in the system, there may not be 
>follow through,
>Whereas: Citizens get discouraged when the work isn't completed,
>We resolve that: Durham One Call organizes "Service Delivery Standards," 
>for consistencies in city/county departmental service performances and to 
>allow citizens to track such performance of service requests through the 
>system. Furthermore, we propose that the County be strongly encouraged to 
>join the Durham One Call program in order to make county functions easily 
>accessible to the entire Durham community.

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