INC NEWS - DRAFT July minutes

Cefabernathy at Cefabernathy at
Tue Aug 22 17:44:33 EDT 2006

Inter-Neighborhood Council
Minutes of Meeting of July 25, 2006

Anne Guyton     Colonial Village 
Bill Anderson   Duke Park
Thelma Glenn White  Emorywood estates
Craigie Sanders     Grove Park
Nancy Rizzo         Northgate
Emily Weinstein Solterra
David Heist     Watts Hillandale
Chuck Clifton       Long Meadow
Myers Sugg      Tuscaloosa Lakewood
Barry Ragin         Duke Park
Rosemarie Kitchin   Falconbridge
Joe Bowser      Forest Edge
RW Pickle       Forest Hills
Bobbe Deason        Morehead Hill
Cindy Blair     Briardale
Cathy Abernathy Hope Valley
Mike Woodard    Watts Hillandale

Adam Playford   Herald Sun
Kim Oberle      Durham City, Parks and Recreation Dept.
Randy Smith     Durham City, Solid Waste Dept.
Noelle Paull        advocate for dog welfare
Kenya Easley            "
Cindy Anderson      "
Wanet Hitti         "

Introductions - President Mike Woodard opened the meetin.  Members introduced 

Dog Chaining Resolution - Approved the Dog Chaining Resolution (as of June 
27) INC neighborhoods . . .  "resolve for Durham County to adopt ordinance that 
completely bans the continuous chaining of dogs at any location within the 
County of Durham and for any reason." 
See Attachment A.  Discussion: Comments included:
      -INC adoption will encourage Durham City Council and Board of County   
Commissioners to address the issue of dogs on  
      -concern about lack of enforcement provisions in the current and 
proposed ordinance.
      -concern about lack of resources for enforcement. 
      -Animal Control Department seems to have minimal legal rights to remove 
animals from private property.  Also seems to have 
          difficulty enforcing current regulations; need more information.
      -Perhaps significant cash fine would decrease barking dogs on chains, 
    the $500 for automobiles in yards seemed to be effective.
      -Need statistical data re: current number of complaints to ACD and 
    esp, noise ordinance of barking dags; as well as follow up action on 

Concerns about Animal Control - Continuing discussion included:
      -study the ordinances and policies that are successful in nearby or 
model counties.
      -need more bilingual animal control officers.
      -suggest INC invite Cindy Bailey, Director of Durham County Animal 
Control Department to INC meeting, even if regular meeting 
           date needs to be changed.
      -budget requests of Animal Control show continuing need for net gun.
      -useful website ---- 
      -advantages of banning continuous chaining of dogs:  integrate dog into 
family; eliminate dog's isolation which often results in  
         mean dogs.
      -are there similarities between abused dogs and abused children?  Are 
reports kept? Do veterinarians report suspicious cases 
          of dog abuse?

"No Cash at the Door" Signs - Would neighborhoods and individual residents a
ppreciate receiving signs made by INC that read "No Cash at the Door," similar 
to "No Soliciting" signs in neighborhoods.  Would the signs deter individuals 
from begging at residential doors?  Perhaps signs should also educate about 
the telephone help line, 211, for economic and social service information.  Cost 
effective ways to produce signs: print or download from website; printed with 
City information included in bi-monthly water bill.  
      Motion was made and seconded for INC to contact City Water Dept about 
printing a quarter page sign for residents to cut out and post at their doors 
to discourage requests for cash assistance.

Other Items --
1. June 2006 minutes approved as posted to listserve.
2. Dues for 2005-2006 are now due; Dues for Jan-Dec 2007 will be collected in 
January, 2007.
3. Treasurer reported current cash: checking account = $950.95; savings 
account = $2,227.44.
4. Davidson Street rezoning information:  contact Ann Guyton, 220-7359
5. Nominations for Neighborhood Hero Award are due August 10.  INC Selection 
and arrangements committees are in place.  2006 
    is the fourth year.  Wide variety of contributions qualify for 'hero' 
award.  Publication in Durham Herald Sun throughout the year.  
    The Award presentations evening will be held at the Washington Duke, but 
the date is TBA, depending on gratis sponsor's  
6. Continuing follow up on enforcement of drug violations in section 8 
housing - in dialogue with Durham Housing Authority.
7. Progress continues on Spanish language video providing essential 
information about the rights and obligations of renters in 
    Durham.  Draft was viewed by INC Board.  Property Management association 
has implemented INC suggestion.  No need for 
    $500 from INC.  Next steps: tweek, package, distribute.  
8. Inquiry about how City storm water fees are used.  Is prevention and 
service effective?  Ditches are not maintained, stormwater 
    backs up and mosquito control is ineffective. Are fees excessive?  
9. Clean Energy Durham is gaining momentum with two campaigns.  One: to 
improve the quality of life of low income neighborhoods 
    by distributing compact flash lightbulbs and by sponsoring work days to 
repair housing.  Two: to educate all neighborhoods about 
    ways that residents can reduce their energy costs, CO2 emissions, and 
global warming.  Buy compact flash light bulbs; Retail 
    store, Not Just Paper is currently stocking wide variety of bulbs.  See for comprehensive information.
10. "Keep Downtown Beautiful" needs volunteers.
11. Save on the cost of heating water.  Consider instant hot water appliance 
for kitchen and solar powered water heaters for homes.
12. INC Nominations for Officers for the 2006-2007 year.
     President - David Harris.  Volunteers are needed for Vice President, 
President-Elect; Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors.
13. Durham Parks and Recreation Dept. announced upcoming programs and 
distributed flyers, esp first time gathering, "Youth 
       Explosion: by Youth for Youth," July 29 at Forest Hills Park. 
14. Solid Waste Dept announced appointment of Director Donald Long to serve 
in August; notice of internal departmental changes; 
       and approval of a Code Enforcement Officer.  Fleet maintenance and 
repair was also approved.  Delayed service should 
       decrease.  Recycled containers should be rinsed out.
15. Home for sale:  see Thelma Glenn White.
16. Need better access to Herald Sun building, esp after meeting begins.

 Meeting was adjourned.

Attachment A:     Dog Chaining Resolution (as of June 27)
Whereas:  The practice of chaining dogs can be destructive to communities 
because dogs become more aggressive and dangerous when not adequately socialized.

And, because barking is increased due to boredom and sadness.

And also, increased strain is put on Animal Control and Durham Police 
Department Personnel who must deal with citizen complaints pertaining to the problems 
associated with chained dogs.

Whereas, Durham County currently has guidelines [Section 4-62 (6)] as to how 
a dog can be chained or tethered but is inadequate in protecting dogs and 
unsuccessful in allowing animal control officers to efficiently enforce and 
sufficiently punish those that break the law.

[[Whereas other jurisdictions have good ordinances we can use as examples of 
how to trade off animal welfare and practicalities for owners.  For example, 
Maumelle, Arkansas specifies a minimum size of pens.]]

Whereas, this practice of chaining dogs is considered to be inhumane, cruel 
and callous.

Therefore, we, the member neighborhoods of The Inter-Neighborhood Council 
resolve that Durham County adopt an ordinance that completely bans the continuous 
chaining of dogs at any location within the County and for any reason.

Current Durham Ordinance
Article III. Animal Abuse - Section 4-62. General Care, prohibited acts.
6) "Chaining or tethering an animal to a stationary object for a period of 
time or under conditions that an animal control officer or animal cruelty 
investigator deems harmful or potentially harmful to the animal. Examples of 
improper chaining or tethering include, but are not limited to the following:
a.   Using a length or weight of a chain or tether that is not appropriate 
for the size, weight and age of the animal. Guidelines for the proper weight and 
length of chains or tethers can be obtained from the animal shelter or animal 
b.   Using a chain or tether made of rope, twine, cord or similar material.
c.   Using a chain or tether that is less than ten feet in length and/or does 
not have swivels on both ends. All chains or tethers must be attached to the 
animal by means of a properly fitting harness or collar of not less than one 
inch in width.
d.   Using a chain or tether than exceeds ten percent of the animal's body 
e.   Allowing an animal to be chained or tethered such that the animal is not 
confined to the owner's property or such that the chain or tether can become 
entangled and prevent the animal from moving about freely, lying down 
comfortably or having access to adequate food, water and shelter.
f.   Using a chain as a primary collar. All collars used for the purpose of 
chaining or tethering an animal must be made of nylon or leather."

"Confinement of Animals: from and after the passage of this Ordinance, any 
person owning animals whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, licensed or 
unlicensed, shall confine such animal within an adequate fence or enclosure, or withing 
a house, garage, or other building in conformance with Maumelle Bill of 
Assurance or its successor.  Animals shall not be tied or chained to doghouses, or 
other stationary objects, but must be in an approved enclosure.  Sterilized 
cats are exempt from confinement."
The ordinance also mandates that dog enclosures must provide at least 150 sq. 
ft. of space for dogs over 6 months of age.


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