INC NEWS - Fw: [pac2] Witness Standby

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Wed Aug 23 07:32:39 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Colin Crossman 
To: PAC2 
Cc: Ken Gasch ; Colin Crossman ; sheila.g.eason at 
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:10 PM
Subject: [pac2] Witness Standby


Considering the apparent spike in crime of late, some of us feel that 
this service of the Durham County Court should be brought to the fore. 
If you are a witness to a crime, and are subpoenaed to testify, it is 
extremely important that you do so. However, the thought of waiting in 
the courthouse for hours is unappealing, especially if you work. 
Fortunately, you don't need to wait. Durham has a telephone witness 
standby system. If you are a witness, call Val Wiley at 919-564-7122 
and she will enter you into the system. Thirty minutes prior to the 
court reaching your testimony, you will be telephoned by the court. 
This system can save you several hours of waiting.

If you have any questions regarding this program, contact Sheila Eason, 
Assistant to the District Attorney, at 564-7109 or 
sheila.g.eason at

Thank you,
Colin Crossman
PAC2 Co-facilitator

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