INC NEWS - new name for INC

RW Pickle randy at
Wed Mar 28 02:39:15 EDT 2007

At tonights INC meeting, 30% of our membership voted to change the
spelling our name. That's right. I did not hear one good reason for doing
it, yet it was approved. We're now the InterNeighborhood Council instead
of the Inter Neighborhood Council. I told them 3 reasons why it made no
sense and that there were consequences for doing so. But it made no
difference. One of the issues I mentioned was that it would need to be
changed on the 350+ files on our website. Since I take care of that, this
was an added burden that was really unwelcomed. Then there were the
additional costs for changing things like the banners we bought last year
and even the new checks we'll have to order eventually. These are reall
dollars we'll waste to make this senseless spelling change.

Why did we change the spelling? Maybe someone else can tell the other 70%
who either weren't at the meeting or voted to keep it as it is. It's not
like changing it made it any more gramatically correct. Or that it was
changed to an entirely different name from what it has been. It was a
simple vote and a big change if you look across the board at the big
picture. Who's going to tell the 28,000 instances that google found when I
entered "inter neighborhood council" that we've changed the way we spell
our name? Had it been the other way around, when I googled
"interneighborhood council" we'd only have to tell 234 folks that we've
changed it. 28,000+ or 234? Which way seems the most popular to you? But
the big question I'd like to hear someone explain is why? Why change the
spelling when it doesn't create any positive or different impact? It's an
"all downside" decision.

We also voted to phase it in over time. Perhaps in 2014 when we order new
checks, someone will remember. Or maybe by then, The other 70% that didn't
vote for this senseless change will have stopped this from ever moving
forward. It just makes no sense. But I'm willing to listen as to why it
does. And I'd think the others would like to understand it as well. Since
it placed a huge burden on my shoulders to rectify this problem across our
digital frontier, I'd really appreciate anyone making some sense out of
this for me

27 Beverly

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