INC NEWS - Tips For Surviving The Hot Weather

RW Pickle randy at
Tue Aug 7 17:09:05 EDT 2007

>From the Durham County public information Office.
27 Beverly

Tips for surviving predicted hot temperatures

The weather forecast calls for a high of about 102 degrees today, and with
the humidity it will feel like 105 this afternoon This is a dangerous
situation in which heat illnesses are possible.
The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for this afternoon
and evening, and a heat watch for Wednesday, meaning conditions are going
to get more serious.
In addition, the state Division of Air Quality has issued a code Orange
Action Day Durham today. That means ground level ozone concentrations may
approach or exceed unhealthy standards.
Residents are therefore reminded of the dangers posed by the high heat and
humidity, and urged to take the extra precautions below to prevent heat –
related illnesses:  

*	NEVER leave infants, children or pets unattended in a parked car or
other hot environment.
*	Be aware of the warning signs of heat-related illness, such as
light-headedness, mild nausea or confusion, sleepiness or profuse
sweating. Increase your fluid intake; drink more liquid than your thirst
*	Drink non-alcoholic and caffeine-free liquids, such as water and juices.
*	Replace salt and minerals through diet.
*	Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.
*	When unaccustomed to working or exercising in a hot environment, start
slowly and pick up the pace gradually.
*	Spend time in an air-conditioned place; if not a home, then such public
places as libraries, supermarkets, shopping malls and movie theaters.
*	Do not rely on fans as your primary cooling device during a heat wave.
(See info below.)
*	Schedule outdoor activities carefully, preferably before noon or in the
*	When working in the heat, monitor the condition of your co-workers and
have someone do the same for you.
*	Monitor those at high risk, such as the elderly, infants and children up
to 4 year of age, someone who is overweight or someone on medication.
*	Avoid hot foods and heavy meals.
*	Ask your physician whether you are at particular risk because of

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