INC NEWS - Please sign the petition.

Cleveland Holloway clevelandholloway at
Wed Aug 8 01:43:20 EDT 2007

Hi Durham neighbors,

> The Cleveland-Holloway neighborhood would like to thank you for all of
> your support surrounding the proposed transfers of land (an email was posted
> here about this a few days back).  If you would like more information, I
> have posted links to several recent news articles at our site here:
> We have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from members of
> many different neighborhoods, and wanted to quantify that support for
> Thursday's Council meeting.  Therefore, I ask that you please read, and
> sign, the petition below:
> It will only take a moment, but will mean a great deal to our
> neighborhood, and to the Durham community, as this ultimately impacts all of
> us.
> Thank you again!  Do let me know if you have any questions at all.
> --Eleni / Cleveland-Holloway Neighborhood/ 919-683-9536
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