INC NEWS - offer for volunteers (Wed, 15 Aug, 1-4PM)

John Schelp bwatu at
Wed Aug 8 08:52:29 EDT 2007

Dear Mr. Schelp,

Greetings from Duke Law! Hope you are having a great

Our students always have a wonderful time volunteering
with the OWDNA.

I am hoping that you might like our assistance again
next week for our "Dedicated to Durham" event - a
great chance to get our new students aware of your

We can offer you approximately 10-15 students on
Wednesday, August 15th, from roughly 1 - 4:15 p.m.

We would love to help out if you could use our
assistance with anything from inside work, to outside
work, with either small, menial tasks, to laborious,
intense projects! If you know of other local
organizations that could also use help next week,
please don't hesitate to forward this email.

Please feel free to contact me with questions. If you
might be able to let me know as soon as possible, that
would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your time!


Kristina Aija Johnson
Duke Law School, Class of 2008
Duke Law Community Service Chair
kristina.johnson at
(919) 943-9867

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