INC NEWS - Panhandling Ban

Ken Gasch Ken at
Fri Oct 5 16:21:14 EDT 2007

On Monday night, the BOCC is once again considering a proposal to make
panhandling illegal in Durham county.  Less than 2 years ago, I fully
supported such a measure.  I no longer support this idea.  I, for one, favor
a different approach.  You may read about that approach at

I credit Risa Foster as the primary brain of this effort.  Bill Anderson,
the money guy, has raised $1,600.00 so far and the gate is still down.  The
contributors so far have been Housing for New Hope, Worth Hill, Julie
Seagroves, Forest Hills Neighborhood Association, Downtown Durham Inc and
the DCVB.

Rather than pan a law against the panhandlers, I would ask that our BOCC
consider supporting this campaign.

Ken Gasch
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