INC NEWS - Durham Restricts Lawn Watering to Saturdays

Blalock, Amy Amy.Blalock at
Fri Oct 5 15:18:31 EDT 2007




Office of Public Affairs

101 City Hall Plaza

Durham, NC 27701



News Release


For Details, Contact:

Amy C. Blalock

Senior Public Affairs Specialist

(919) 560-4123 x 253

(919) 475-7735 (cell)

Amy.Blalock at <mailto:Amy.Blalock at> 


For Immediate Release:  October 5, 2007



City of Durham Restricts Lawn Watering to Saturdays Only

New Lawn Watering Schedule Effective October 15


Durham, N.C. - With conditions in the piedmont now upgraded to
exceptional drought, Durham City Manager Patrick W. Baker has authorized
the reduction of lawn watering to just one day a week effective Monday,
October 15, 2007.


In addition to complying with the other measures in Stage III Moderate
Mandatory Conservation restrictions of the City of Durham's Water
Conservation Ordinance, customers can now only water lawns, grass,
trees, shrubbery, flowers, golf greens or vegetable gardens on Saturdays
either between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. OR 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.  In addition,
customers may only water during either the morning OR evening time
period on Saturdays, and then, only enough to provide no more than
one-half inch of water to the landscape.


"By reducing the lawn watering schedule down to just one day a week,
we're hoping we see a significant decrease in water usage," Baker said.
"Ideally, we'd like customers to water for no more than 30 minutes,
because even with mandatory restrictions, we have not seen the reduced
usage we need to ensure our water supply is adequate.  We're hoping that
this step will get us down to the 30 percent reduction we need so that
we can delay moving to Stage IV restrictions."  


Baker warns that if Durham residents don't cut their water usage by 30
percent, the City could be forced to move to Stage IV Severe Mandatory
Conservation restrictions as early as October 29.  "Obviously, Stage IV
restrictions are even more significant.  But, if we can get compliance
by our citizens, then we can hold off on moving to this stage," Baker
said.  "Now, it's up to our customers to help us ensure we have an
adequate water supply to get our community through this drought."


The following activities in Stage III Moderate Mandatory Conservation
are still in effect in addition to the reduced lawn watering schedule: 

*         Do not add water to wading pools or swimming pools except to
the extent necessary to replenish losses due to evaporation or spillage,
and maintain operation of chemical feed equipment.

*         Do not use water to wash down outside areas such as sidewalks,
patios, driveways, or for other similar purposes.

*         Do not add water to any decorative fountain, pool or pond
except where the water is recycled.

*         Do not serve water in a restaurant or similar establishment
except upon request.

*         Do not use water for any unnecessary purpose or intentionally
waste water.

*         Do not wash the exterior of a motor vehicle unless a private
well water system is used, or unless 50 percent or more of the water is
recycled, or it can be demonstrated that 30 gallons of water or less are
used to wash the vehicle.


Stage III further states that "all industrial, manufacturing, and
commercial enterprises shall reduce consumption with a goal reduction of
30 percent...and document such efforts."  


To help City staff monitor the effectiveness of these mandatory
measures, customers are encouraged to report water waste to Durham One
Call at (919) 560-1200 or online at
<> .  Customers who are not abiding by the Stage
III measures will be receive a written warning for their first
violation.  The second violation will result in a Notice of Violation
and the third violation will result in termination of water service


City staff updates the Water Supply Status Web site daily.  Customers
may access the information from the red "hot link" on the homepage of
the City's Web site at
<> .  Additional conservation tips, information
on water-wise landscaping or how to acquire rain barrels are also posted
on the Web site.  Customers may also call the City's Department of Water
Management at (919) 560-4381 for additional information.


About the Department of Water Management
The City's Department of Water Management is responsible for the
operation and maintenance of Durham's water supply, water treatment and
water reclamation (wastewater treatment) facilities, the collection and
distribution systems (including meter reading) and customer billing
services.  For more information on this department, visit the City's Web
site at



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