[Durham INC] Celebrate Earth Hour Tomorrow

Blalock, Amy Amy.Blalock at durhamnc.gov
Fri Mar 27 15:54:58 EDT 2009

Dear Durham Citizens:


Can you believe it's March already?  As daffodils and pear trees bloom
all over town, we all enjoy watching Durham's greenery come to life!
This annual reminder from Mother Earth draws from each of us a deep
appreciation of how miraculous our planet really is.  And just in time -
the Durham Earth Day Festival
(http://www.durhamnc.gov/departments/parks/earthday/) is right around
the corner, and the City/County Sustainability Office has partnered with
other local groups to put together an Earth Month Calendar
(http://www.durham-nc.com/things/earthmonth.html) as a fabulous clearing
house of all Earth-friendly activities all across the county. 


Keep Durham Beautiful and its Board of Directors, in partnership with
Mayor William V. "Bill" Bell and County Commissioner Michael D. Page,
are writing to ask you to consider one more way to show your
appreciation for our planet, by joining us in celebrating "Earth Hour." 


Earth Hour was conceived by the World Wildlife Fund as a way to raise
awareness among the general public about climate change and to convey
that by working together, each of us can have a positive impact. Last
year during Earth Hour 2008, more than 50 million people in 400+ cities
around the world turned off their lights to demonstrate their commitment
to joining this global movement to encourage the world to take action on
one of the most urgent issues facing our planet.


On Saturday, March 28, 2009, all around the world as each successive
8:30 p.m. rolls around, people, communities, and even whole cities will
be shutting off their lights(not the TV, computer or video games) for
one hour as a planet-wide celebration and act of commitment to our
environment and to living as greenly as we can within it.


Please consider, along with your family and friends, joining us in this
small act of appreciation for the planet that sustains us all.


If you'd like more information about how you can get involved year-round
to directly impact Durham's environment, please visit
www.keepdurhambeautiful.org or call  560-4197.




William V. "Bill" Bell
Sylvia Le Goff

Mayor, City of Durham
Chair, Keep Durham Beautiful, Inc.


Michael D. Page
Dorothea Pierce

Durham County Commission Chairman                    Executive Director,
Keep Durham Beautiful, Inc.


Dorothea S. H. Pierce

Executive Director

Keep Durham Beautiful, Inc.

2011 Fay Street

Durham, NC 27704

Phone: 560-4197 x260

Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to! 


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