[Durham INC] neighborhood org safety

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 7 23:19:36 EDT 2009

My neighborhood has had a 'neighborhood directory' before, and Fairfield residents really enjoyed the amenity. It is hard to keep up to date though, and we haven't had one for many years. If you do a neighborhood directory, it is best to distribute it as a pdf (to save paper and trees, you know -- wink).

I think having block captain stuff online is a GREAT idea. But I'm all about transparency. My neighborhood board has had a problem with this much transparency, and the guy who took over as block captain (and relieved me -- phew!) was discouraged from making a website for this purpose.

That said, we regularly post suspicious behavior, break-ins, etc. on our neighborhood listserv. And I strongly believe that this has prevented several thefts from open garage doors and things like that. It also has resulted in neighbors calling the police, which they aren't generally inclined to do, and this quickly quells any rising threat (suspicious solicitors disappear, for instance, and thefts occur only sporadically and in lengthy intervals).

Melissa (Rooney)

--- On Tue, 4/7/09, Riojosie at aol.com <Riojosie at aol.com> wrote:

From: Riojosie at aol.com <Riojosie at aol.com>
Subject: [Durham INC] neighborhood org safety
To: inc-list at rtpnet.org, pac2 at yahoogroups.com, neighbors at lochavenhills.org
Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 11:02 PM

Lochaven Hills has been an active neighborhood organization for a year or so and we are wondering:

1)   should block captains' info be put on our neighborhood website?   any info at all? how much?

2)   should we compile our listserve info into a   "neighborhood directory" to share with each other as a PDF file or some other format?

We are tossing about our own opinions, but opinions / experiences from neighborhood orgniziations in the INC (Inter Neighborhood Council) and PAC-2 (Partners Against Crime District 2), those of you who have been at this for a while, can help us.

Many thanks,


Lochaven Hills

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