[Durham INC] Supporting fair elections on taxes

Laura Drey lkdrey2 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 12 21:46:03 EST 2010

Tax preparation

Supporting Fair Elections

Please support " FAIR Elections" by marking YES on the $3 check-off box on
the N.C. income-tax return for the North Carolina PUBLIC CAMPAIGN FUND.

Saying "YES" neither increases your tax bill nor decreases your refund, but
the check off designates $3 of the taxes you're already paying for public
campaign financing of judicial elections and a voter guide. Public campaign
financing gives candidates an alternative to endless fundraising calls,
allowing them to focus on their real responsibilities.  The judicial public
financing program has greatly reduced the amount of money flowing from
attorneys into judicial races.

Don't forget to have your tax preparer say "YES" to the $3 check-off on the
state income tax form.  If your  tax preparer fails to ask if you want to
support the NC Public Campaign fund, remind them of their duty to ask and of
your desire to support the fund by answering "YES" to the $3 NC PUBLIC
Call 1-888-OUR-VOTE  with questions.

Please spread the word.


Contributing to non-profit organizations with 501 c 3 status are tax
deductible. Some groups offer a tax deduction for donations of goods and
services. Please circulate the ³Organizations to Support² document.

I believe that making a contribution is especially important during these
difficult economic times. No amount of money is too small. You can make a

If you would like to do more research you may want to go to American
Institute of Philanthropy; or http://www.justgive.org or
http://www.charitynavigator.org, both sites are great for evaluating and
comparing charitable organizations. The Triangle Community Foundation has
developed a web page called ³Triangle Gives Back²
http://www.trianglegivesback.org/ about organizations and contributing to
groups in general. The Durham People¹s Alliance has put together a Resource
Directory (see http://www.durhampa.org/ <http://www.durhampa.org/> ).

For a tax credit consider donating your vehicle to a non-profit
organization. For places that accept donations of vehicles see upcoming

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