[Durham INC] Can you run a mile to help stop 751 S?

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon May 10 15:47:24 EDT 2010

Please see below. I won't be able to run, but hopefully some of you can do this -- it sounds like fun, and you get exercise with fellow Durhamites and a free t-shirt :)

Melissa (Rooney)

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Durham People's Alliance <durhampa at mindspring.com>
To: Durham People's Alliance <durhampa at mindspring.com>
Cc: Melissa Rooney <mmr121570 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Mon, May 10, 2010 11:42:55 AM
Subject: Can you run a mile to help stop 751 S?

Dear Concerned Durham resident, 
You recently signed our petition to stop the 751 S rezoning near Jordon Lake. We thank you for your support! Please continue to inform your friends - we need calls, letters and emails to the Commissioners!

We also need to raise more awareness of this issue prior to the May 24th County Commissioners vote. One of the FUN things we have planned is a relay race for a minimum wage paycheck
at the proposed site. The developers are touting the jobs this project will create as a reason to pass it --- but 751S is
so far out that Durham residents who need the jobs won't be able to get
there. We want to make the news and show Durham just how far out this proposed site is.

We need your help! If you are a runner, or have a friend or neighbor who would run, please email me! You only have to run a mile or less, depending on how many volunteers we get.

You'll get a cool T-shirt too! (and also the satisfaction of educating your fellow Durhamites!)

This will be a fun event --- please consider donating an hour of your time (and your energy!) to run for a good cause. 

Thank you!! 

Kate Fellman
Durham People's Alliance
1821 Green Street, Suite 102
Durahm, NC 27705

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