[Durham INC] proposal for improving the INC list

Toby Berla toby.berla at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 08:38:09 EDT 2010

I am a recent subscriber to the INC list. While I enjoy having access to the
content of the messages posted here, I find the "old school" format (RTPNet)
to be, well, underwhelming. Plain text messages are fine with me, but y'all
are missing out on a lot of great features that a more up-to-date list
server (Google Groups and Yahoo Groups, for example) provides -- search,
thread management (the linking together of all messages on a single
subject), web-based posting, links to the online repository where message
posts are kept, etc. Here is an article on reasons to move to Google
Groups: http://groups.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=46611

Please respond with your thoughts!

Best regards,
Toby Berla
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