[Durham INC] Fw: Dave Alsobrooks needs hella Pepsi Refresh votes!

American LAbor .org mshiflett at americanlabor.org
Mon Jul 5 12:43:03 EDT 2010

Dave Alsobrooks needs hella Pepsi Refresh votes!I usually don't forward 'contests' to the listservers but this one is focused on Durham and I believe is worth your consideration.

However, it does have some very interesting pictures and Durham neighborhood 'connections'.

Otherwise,   just delete it.

Mike Shiflett

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Casey Steinbacher 
To: mshiflett at americanlabor.org 
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 11:38 AM
Subject: FW: Dave Alsobrooks needs hella Pepsi Refresh votes!


This is a great project for Durham. I was hoping you might circulate within the neighborhood group email circles that you are engaged in, encouraging people to vote for it..Thanks.



Casey Steinbacher, CCE

President and CEO

Greater Durham Chamber of Commerce

300 West Morgan Street

Suite 1400

PO Box 3829

Durham, North Carolina 27702

919.328.8710 direct line


csteinbacher at durhamchamber.org


From: Dave Alsobrooks [mailto:dave at chasingbear.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 10:48 AM
To: Dave Alsobrooks
Subject: Dave Alsobrooks needs hella Pepsi Refresh votes!



      If you can't see this email, view it online here. To opt out, see the bottom of this email.






     How dare I send you 2 emails in less than a month? There are legitimate
      time-sensitive goings-on happenin'. Please read below and consider. -DA








      ON THIS ONE?

      The above image is the email I received early on July 1st. I have this project going on called New Neighbors and I've asked Pepsi to give me $5K to help complete it. They'll say yes if I get enough votes online. Votes can (and need to) be cast daily. I'm going to complete the project regardles what the outcome of this contest becomes, but the money would make it much more impactful in an area that needs some love. I know voting daily is asking an awful lot. 

      So here's my thought. If you've received this email, please consider voting at least 3 times a week during the month of July. That's less than 5 minutes of your time. It's really easy to do.

      Here's the link to my project page on the Pepsi Refresh Everything site.
      And here's a link to the project on my website if you'd like to get to know the project a little better (a little more real estate than Pepsi allows to explain the project).

      I sincerely appreciate any help -- and please don't forget to share with any/everyone!



      1. Visit the New Neighbors page once a day or as often as you can during the month of July.

      2. Cast your vote for the project while you're there. You can vote for 9 other projects each day.

      3. Please tell your friends and family to do the same!




      To opt out of future emails send a note to dave at chasingbear.com.

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