[Durham INC] FW: Text Amendment for TC1000007, Unified Development Ordinance: Sec. 3.7, Site Plan Review, and Sec. 8.5, Riparian Buffer Protection Standard

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 23 17:43:24 EST 2010

The technical correction are:1. about the size of a sign that there is a buffer (not an issue)2. making " Road impacts other than crossings of streams and other surface water" allowed with mitigation rather than forbidden, and3. not needing a site plan when uses in the buffer is are allowed because there is no "practical alternative" (I think this is one case where we should look more closely to see if there are cases to need a site plan)
Allowable with Mitigation. An allowable with mitigation use requires written authorization from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, City, or County as appropriate and may occur following a finding of “no practical alternatives” and issuance of an Authorization Certificate pursuant to paragraph 8.5.11, No Practical Alternatives/Authorization Certificate, mitigation strategy pursuant to paragraph 8.5.12, Mitigation. 
Happy holidays, pat

Subject: Text Amendment  for TC1000007, Unified Development Ordinance:  Sec. 3.7, Site Plan Review, and Sec. 8.5, Riparian Buffer Protection Standard
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 11:04:06 -0500
From: Wade.Griffin at durhamnc.gov
To: Julia.Mullen at durhamnc.gov
CC: Wade.Griffin at durhamnc.gov

Please be advised of the upcoming proposed change to the text of the Durham Unified Development Ordinance (UDO):  Text Change TC1000007 proposes minor technical revisions to the following sections of the Unified Development Ordinance:  Sec. 3.7, Site Plan Review, and Sec. 8.5, Riparian Buffer Protection Standards. The Durham Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on TC01000007 on January 11, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 101 City Hall Plaza.  The text of the proposed change may be viewed at www.durhamnc.gov/council/ord_changes.  Once the agenda is finalized, the staff memo may be viewed under “Schedule” at www.durhamnc.gov/departments/planning/planning_commission.cfm.  For more information please contact Aaron Cain, 560-4137 x28226; aaron.cain at durhamnc.gov or Julia Mullen, 560-4137 x28255, julia.mullen at durhamnc.gov. Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act - A person with a disability may receive an auxiliary aid or service to effectively participate in city government activities by contacting the ADA Coordinator, voice 919-560-4197, fax 560-4196, TTY 919-560-1200, or ADA at durhamnc.gov, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the event or deadline date.  Wade GriffinPlannerDurham City County Planning Department101 City Hall PlazaDurham NC 27701Phone: 919-560-4137 x28229Fax    : 919-560-4641 
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