[Durham INC] Pls support the Regulator Bookstore

Mel mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 30 12:59:31 EST 2013

Hello all. I just left The Regulator with two big boxes of donated books for Lowes Grove & Creekside Elementary Public Schools. I felt compelled to inform you all and to ask that you support this independent bookstore and its generous owner, John Valentine. Barnes and Noble could only suggest that I arrange a book sale or a night when our schools would get 10% of the proceeds from the books sold. This is just another example of the benefits of buying local. You get so much more bang for your buck wrt benefits for your community, though these benefits are often unseen and, therefore, not counted by local consumers, often including myself.

Thx for reading and for supporting a wonderful local business and its owner. 


Melissa Rooney, Ph. D.
Durham, NC, USA
mmr121570 at yahoo.com

All the darkness in the world cannot put out a single candle.
~St. Francis of Assisi

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