[Durham INC] New Fairfield HOA representative on INC

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 27 12:11:05 EST 2015

Howdy neighbors.

Just wanted to officially tell the INC that the INC has a new representative from the Fairfield HOA in South Durham. This is great news, as it indicates my neighborhood’s desire to be part of the larger Durham community :-)

Steve Biccum is the new INC rep for the Fairfield HOA.

He and his wife, Ashlee, are involved neighbors who have benefited my community, particularly in relation to our incredible swim-team, which is open to all neighborhood kids (pre-school to high-school) at a pittance.

I am confident that the INC, Fairfield, and Steve will benefit from his involvement.

Thanks for welcoming him, as you always do!

Melissa Rooney

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