[Durham INC] Time to Act - Smart Meter Tariffs are Coming

ellen whitaker whitaker.guitar at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 11:33:00 EST 2016

Dear Friends,

I am writing to ask that you contact the North Carolina Utilities Commission (UC) and let them know that you oppose any smart meter opt-out tariffs proposed by Duke Energy. The UC is considering Duke's proposed tariffs, and that information is confidential and unavailable to North Carolina's citizens. 

Thousands upon thousands of peer-reviewed research has shown that the radiation from "smart meters" and other wireless devices causes serious long-term health problems and millions suffer from acute and debilitating symptoms when exposed (EHS).  I am among those with EHS and am currently having to pay $45 dollars extra per month to Duke Energy to NOT have a wireless meter. If Duke has its way, new opt-out people may also have to pay tariffs of over $1,000 on top of the monthly fee.

Please see email below and send comments before January 22nd to statements at ncuc.net
regarding D O C K E T N O . E 1 0 0 , S U B 1 4 1

For details please see forwarded email below and the link therein.

Thank you very much!
Ellen S. Whitaker

—Sent from a cable-connected computer with the WiFi turned OFF
—Please visit http://citizensforsafetechnology.org/health-effects,6,0

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