[Durham INC] Draft INC minutes

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 28 07:24:45 EDT 2019

Please let me know of any additions or corrections.  Thanks, pat

September Delegate Meeting of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham

Golden Belt

September 24, 2019

Attending the meeting were:

Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen

Forest Hills – Matt McDowell, Ellen Pless

Long Meadow – Pakis Bessias

Northgate Park – Debra Hawkins

Old North Durham – Peter Katz, John Martin

Old West Durham – Vicky Welch

Trinity Park – Mimi Kessler, Philip Azar

Trappers Creek / Greymoss – Will Wilson

Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell

Watts Hospital Hillandale – Tom Miller

Woodcroft – Jose Sandoval


Annette Smith – DPR and Durham Parks Foundation

John Killeen – dataworks

Lisa Miller – City / County of Durham

Alexander Cahill – City / County of Durham

Lynwood D. Best – City of Durham, NIS

Constance Stancil – City of Durham, NIS

Vice-president Will Wilson welcomed those present, and folks introduced themselves.

Lisa Miller and Alexander Cahill talked about the Comprehensive Plan Revision Process, which is using the city’s equitable engagement framework. Equitable Engagement involves thinking about who has not had opportunities to be engaged due to time, physical access, language or other factors.  Starting in November the community will have a number of opportunities (focus groups, conversations, listening and learning sessions) to offer opinions.  Leading up to November, work is being done by a communications team, an outreach team, engagement ambassadors, staff, and so on; they are identifying gaps and figuring out both processes and messaging to reach a diverse community.  November meetings will start the first “chunk” of the process, which is identifying big questions, leading to a vision or set of guiding principles.  Following “chunks” will then fill in policy frameworks and finally get to detailed actionable items.  The goal is not to create a book with chapters on specific areas like schools and water.  After community visioning, we will have a future growth management framework – more of a place-centered view than a land-use map – to increase community wealth, supported by infrastructure and being equitable.  The plan is to have a “hub” that can connect policies and strategies to the guiding principles.  The whole process should increase collaboration – with connections to schools, water, etc. This is a good time to get engaged as they want as many people involved as possible.  For more information: https://engagedurham.com

The August minuteswere amended to include the fact that Faith Gardener is the person who talked about regulation of natural areas.  Pat moved approval with this change, Vicky seconded, and they were approved.

INC elections: Matt reported from the Nominating Committee (Vicky, Matt, Rochelle, Tom) with these recommendations:

Past-President                                     Rochelle Araujo              Morehead Hill

President                                             Will Wilson                     Trappers Creek / Greymoss

Vice-President                                    Jose Sandoval                  Woodcroft

Sec.                                                     Pat Carstensen                 Cross Counties

Treas.                                                  Susan Sewell                   Tuscaloosa-Lakewood

At-large Executive Comm                  Don Lebkes                     Colony Park

                      Philip Azar                      Trinity Park

                                                            Tom Miller                       Watts Hospital Hillandale

Tom moved to close the nominations, Susan seconded.  Phil wanted to update his disclosures that his aspirations to do development of affordable housing might be a possible conflict of interest.  The report was a motion to elect these members.  These officers were elected.

There was a discussion of broadening the set of neighborhoods are engaged in INC.

The INC Candidate Forumwill be October 17 at City Council Chambers.  Jose has recruited Duke students to help with time-keeping and other tasks; he is still trying to get participation from NCCU.  We still need a moderator or set of moderators.  We need to spread the word about the forum.  All the candidates are engaged.  We need to track down the banner.  The event will be on YouTube and various cable channels.  We will close-caption the event.  We need questions.  Thank you to Jose.

Expanding Housing Choicespassed in the city.  The EHC Measurement Committee reported that their Technical Subcommittee (John and Phil) shared the document on how to measure EHC with Preservation Durham and the Committee on the Affairs of Black People.  Preservation Durham is interested in the effort. The Technical Subcommittee will be reaching out to other entities in Durham with one-on-one meetings, and has started working on measures that meet the value statements.  The Values Subcommittee continues to refine the values work.


  *   The Northgate Park food truck rodeo is Thursday
  *   Susan reported on the latest success for Durham Neighborhoods United, a group responding to issues of disruptive student party houses. A Durham Police Officer has designed and implemented a new response plan that includes: preventive education on Duke campus each fall, training officers in a step response plan, and using Durham's Misdemeanor Diversion Program (now extended to include first time offenders ages 16-26) as one response option.
  *   Durham’s holiday parade is taking applications for participants.
  *   Barktoberfest will be October 26.
  *   Big Sweep is coming up

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